Page 129 - Dr Yip April 2017 Poprtable Treasures
P. 129

Inlay of precious material, especially mother-of-pearl on lacquer,  長畫匣蓋頂用厚螺鈿與影木鑲嵌花鳥圖案。
has long been an established craft in China, with many extant
examples of the Yuan and Ming dynasties, but the technique          八寶嵌與螺鈿漆器,是流傳已久的傳統中國工藝,元明兩朝之傳世品不
applied to hard wood furniture was deemed to be perfected in the    少。到晚明揚州工匠周翥時螺鈿與八寶嵌硬木家具更是登峰造極,此類家
late Ming by the master craftsman Zhou Zhu from Yangzhou and        具通稱 「周製」。
this group of furniture is known as Zhou zhi (‘made by Zhou’).

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