Page 66 - Dr Yip April 2017 Poprtable Treasures
P. 66



明末 黃花梨雙陸盤

of rectangular form, constructed with four single-boards joined to form the walls of the game board, rising from four short bracket feet to a
thumb-moulded top edge, the four outer corners applied with huangtong metal mounts for reinforcement, the interior skilfully inlaid with bone
with two sets of six dots flanking a thin half-moon band along each long side
7.5 by 44.3 by 29.9 cm, 2⅞ by 17⅜ by 11¾ in.

EXHIBITED                                                         展覽:

Grace Wu Bruce, Dreams of Chu Tan Chamber and the                 伍嘉恩,《楮檀室夢旅:攻玉山房藏明式黃花梨家具》,香港中文大學文
Romance with Huanghuali wood: The Dr S. Y. Yip Collection         物館,香港,1991年,頁152-153
of Classic Chinese Furniture, Art Museum, Chinese University of   《中國文物收藏》,亞洲文明博物館,新加坡,1997-99年
Hong Kong, Hong Kong, 1991, pp. 152-153.
The Chinese Collection, Asian Civilisations Museum, Singapore,

◉ HK$ 180,000-280,000
  US$ 23,300-36,100

This game is played with long neck bottle-shaped counters and     盤底有四足,盤牆由四塊整板合成,頂部打窪。盤角四周安黃銅片加固。
dice and is thought to have come from Central Asia into China     盤面獨板造,貼近橫牆中部均用獸骨嵌鑲月牙,左右各有圓點六枚,因此
around third century during the Cao Wei period and became         得雙陸之名。
very popular during the Tang. Extant Tang double-sixes game
boards preserved in the Shoso-in, Nara, attest to that. The game  雙陸是用長頸瓶狀的棋子和骰子進行比賽的一種博奕遊戲,和印度的博戲
slowly lost favour during the Ming and Qing dynasties and by the  有一定的淵源關係,大約自曹魏時(公元三世紀)傳入中國,至唐而十分
early Qing was almost non-existent. Therefore double-sixes game   流行,日本正倉院現在還藏有唐代的雙陸盤,亦可為證。明、清之際,它
boards likely all date to the 17th century or earlier.            逐漸衰落。由於清初時期雙陸之戲幾乎絕迹,故傳世的雙陸盤多為十七世

64 SOTHEBY’S 蘇富比
   61   62   63   64   65   66   67   68   69   70   71