Page 96 - Dr Yip April 2017 Poprtable Treasures
P. 96



      清初 黃花梨花卉紋小箱

              of rectangular section, the box and cover similarly constructed with straight sides with exposed dove-tailed joints to the edges, the cover
              hinged on the back of the box, each side of the exterior save for the reverse and underside skilfully carved with a recessed scene of scrolling
              tendrils and floral motifs, the front centred across the cover and box with a circular baitong plate with a lock receptacle and lift-up ruyi-
              shaped hasp, the sides flanked by a pair of round baitong handles and two sets of three baitong plates, the lower ones serving to protect the
              handles from knocking against the walls of the box
              18.5 by 44.2 by 24.8 cm, 7¼ by 17⅜ by 9¾ in.
             ◉ HK$ 380,000-550,000
               US$ 49,000-71,000

94 SOTHEBY’S 蘇富比
   91   92   93   94   95   96   97   98   99   100   101