Page 199 - Blum Feinstein Tanka collection HIMALAYAN Art Bonhams March 20 2024
P. 199

           A SEMI-TRANSPARENT RUBY-RED GLASS OCTAGONAL       For another example, see Hugh Moss, Victor Graham and Ka Bo
           BOTTLE                                            Tsang, A Treasury of Chinese Snuff Bottles, The Mary and George
           Attributed to the Imperial workshops, Beijing, 1740-1820  Bloch Collection, Vol. 5, Part 2, Hong Kong, 2002, p. 304, no.805.
           Of octagonal profile, the main sides with a central raised oval   A similar example attributed to the Beijing Palace workshops in the
           panel with four fan-shaped facets bordered on the narrow sides by   Qianlong period is illustrated by Robert W.L. Kleiner, Chinese Snuff
           rectangular facets, all below a tall cylindrical neck and supported on a   Bottles from the Collection of Mary and George Bloch, Hong Kong,
           flat rectangular base.                            1987, p.58, no. 71.
           1 7/8in (4.7cm) high, stopper
                                                             See also See Chang Lin-sheng (Ed.), Snuff Bottles in the Collection of
           $1,800 - 2,500                                    the National Palace Museum, Taipei, 1991, p. 210, nos. 261-263 for
                                                             further examples.
           1740-1820 半透明寶石紅料刻棱鼻煙壺一件
           或為御製 北京
           Lolo Sarnoff, Washington
           Sotheby's, 21 March 2015, lot 836 (1 of 3)
           Lolo Sarnoff,華盛頓州

                                                                                      FINE CHINESE SNUFF BOTTLES  |  197
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