Page 22 - 2019 OctoberSur Quo Wei Lee Collectim Important Chinese Art Hong Kong
P. 22

Compare a slightly larger sceptre carved with a related   可比較一青白玉如意例,尺寸略大,如意頭雕刻類似吉祥圖
           auspicious motif, but the shaft undecorated, sold in our   案,柄則光素無紋,售於紐約蘇富比1982年2月26日,編號
           New York rooms, 26th February 1982, lot 423; and another   423。更多白玉如意例可資比較,一例售於香港蘇富比1997
           example sold in these rooms, 4th November 1997, lot 1337,   年11月4日,編號1337,後售於紐約佳士得2004年3月24
           and again at Christie’s New York, 24th March 2004, lot   日,編號54。另有一例,如意柄飾有相仿萬年青與靈芝紋,
           54. See also a sceptre similarly carved on the shaft with
                                                         為 W.D. Ridgeway 舊藏,售於倫敦蘇富比1977年11月29
           wannianqing (Chinese evergreen) and lingzhi, from the
           collection of W.D. Ridgeway, sold in our London rooms, 29th
           November 1977, lot 269.
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