Page 108 - JJ Lally Ancient Chinese Jades, 1988
P. 108

95.  A Jade Dragon Plaque F ragment
                                                               Warring States Period, 5th–4th Century B.C.
                                                               boldly carved in profile and fully detailed on both sides, the head with blunt horn, large staring
                                                               eyes, open jaws and incised teeth, the body with raised comma-spirals and fine linear details, the
                                                               surface polished to a high gloss all over, the translucent stone of pale green and olive tone.
                                                               Length 3¾ inches (9.3 cm)

                                                               Ex Eskenazi, Ltd., London, acquired October, 1991
                                                               Compare the pair of large jade tiger plaques in the Freer Gallery of Art, illustrated by Lawton, Chinese Art of the Warring States
                                                               Period: Change and Continuity, 480–222 B.C., Washington, D.C., 1982, p. 149, no. 96.
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                                                            96.  An Archaic Jade Disc ( Bi )

                                                               Eastern Zhou Dynasty, 4th–3rd Century B.C.
                                                               well carved on both sides with raised comma-spiral shape ‘sprouting grain’ motifs within narrow
                                                               plain wedge-shaped borders, the pale green translucent stone with a band of dark brown shading
                                                               to creamy tan color, the surface highly polished.

                                                               Diameter 2¾ inches (7.1 cm)
                                                               Compare the similar jade disc in the collection of the Palace Museum, Beijing, illustrated in Gugong bowuyuan cangpin daxi:
                                                               yuqi bian (Compendium of Collections in the Palace Museum: Jade), Vol. 3, Spring and Autumn and Warring States Period,
                                                               Beijing, 2011, p. 93, no. 89.

                                                               ؇մc͗ᓴcࢰ 7.1᩶Ϸ

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