Page 11 - JJ Lally Ancient Chinese Jades, 1988
P. 11

1.  A Large N eolithic S tone Ceremonial Axe ( Fu )
 circa 4th/3rd Millennium B.C.
 the  wide  flat  blade  with  an  aperture  drilled  from  both  sides  and  centered  below  the  unevenly
 finished butt end, the sides slightly tapered, the cutting edge blunt, the dark gray stone with a
 widely dispersed network of pale root marks on one side of the polished surface.
 Length 7½ inches (19 cm)

 Ex J.J. Lally & Co., 1994 catalogue no. 8
 A Liangzhu culture provenance is likely for this piece, but an alternative culture cannot be ruled out. Compare the stone
 axes from the Liangzhu culture, excavated from Fuquanshan, Qingpu, Zhejiang province, illustrated by Huang, Gems of
 Liangzhu Culture, Hong Kong, 1992, p. 64, no. 9 and p. 66, no. 10. Compare also the stone axe of similar tapered form with
 slightly flared straight sides and similarly drilled with a large aperture from both sides, excavated from the Xuejiagang
 Neolithic site at Qianshan, Anhui province, dating to approximately 3000 B.C., illustrated by line drawing in the site report,
 Kaogu xuebao, 1982, No. 3, p. 309, fig. 24:2.
 The arduous labor devoted to production of such an impractical thin and unsharpened blade clearly indicates that this axe
 was not meant for use as a tool, rather it was produced for ritual use by the ruling elite.

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