Page 60 - JJ Lally Ancient Chinese Jades, 1988
P. 60
46. A N eolithic Jade Chevron Shape Ornament
Liangzhu Culture, circa 3300–2250 B.C.
the curved front decorated with an elaborate mask with large round eyes incised within slightly
raised ovals joined by a short bridge above a raised ‘nose’ and with cross-hatched ‘teeth’ in the
pointed center, all embellished with scroll motifs and linear decoration incised in very fine lines,
each narrow tapering end decorated with spiral lines and a tiny bird head, all in the same finely
incised linear style, the reverse with two wedge-shaped tabs drilled across the edges for attachment,
the stone of cloudy yellowish green color showing red staining throughout.
Length 2 inches (5.1 cm)
Ex J.J. Lally & Co., 1994 catalogue no. 30
The shape of this ornament is unique but the components of the mask and the bird motifs are seen on other Liangzhu jade
A huang shape jade ornament with central mask and stylized bird motifs at the upper corners excavated at the Liangzhu
culture burial site at Fanshan in Yukang, Zhejiang province is illustrated in Wenwu, 1988, No. 1, pl. 3:5, in a line drawing
on p. 17, fig. 29 and as an ink rubbing in fig. 30; and a crown shape jade ornament with stylized birds incised at the upper
corners discovered at the Liangzhu culture altar site at Yaoshan in Yukang, Zhejiang province is illustrated in the same issue
of Wenwu, op. cit., pl. 4:1, and in a line drawing on p. 42, fig. 24.
Compare also the bird motifs incised on either side of the masks on a jade cong discovered at the Liangzhu site in Fuquanshan,
Jiangsu province, illustrated by Huang, Gems of Liangzhu Culture, Hong Kong, 1992, p. 224, no. 89.
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