Page 17 - 2019 September 10th Sotheby's Important Chinese Art Junkunc Collection
P. 17

Following the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor in 1941, the inventories of Yamanaka’s galleries in
                                 America fell into the custody of the United States government, which dissolved the company, seizing
                                 and eventually selling off much of its merchandise through auctions held at the Parke-Bernet Galleries
                                 in New York in May and June 1944. This same year Hisazo Nagatani (d. 1994), the former manager
                                 of Yamanaka’s Chicago gallery, established himself as an independent dealer in Chicago under the
                                 company name Nagatani Inc. Nagatani continued to serve as a consistent source of works for Junkunc
                                 for over three decades, supplying by far the majority of the works in the Junkunc Collection. During
                                 the 1940s, Junkunc appears to have broadened the scope of his collecting interests to focus on earlier
                                 material, including Song to Ming ceramics, archaic bronzes and – crucially – Buddhist sculpture. Aside
                                 from Nagatani, he purchased extensively from auction, particularly from New York’s Parke-Bernet
                                 Galleries, as well from Tonying & Company and C.T. Loo, both in New York.

                                 1941年,日軍偷襲珍珠港,美國對日宣戰。美國政                Nagatani  手裡購買了許多中國藝術精品。在1940年
                                 府隨之查封了山中商會在美國的庫存,並將其中大部                 代這十年之間,瓊肯先生逐漸拓寬了他的收藏品類,
                                 分於1944年5月及6月在紐約Parke-Bernet Galleries   開始轉向高古,包括從宋代到明代的陶瓷器、高古的
                                 進行了公開拍賣,時數以千計的藝術珍品流散於世界                 青銅器及早期的佛教造像。除了Nagatani,他也從
                                 各地。同年,原為山中商會的經理 Hisazo Nagatani         拍賣會 (由其是紐約 Parke-Bernet Galleries)、位於
                                 (1994年逝 ) 另立門戶,成立 Nagatani Inc.,正式成     紐約的通運公司以及盧芹齋等處大量購買。

                                 Above  Lots 239, 246, 226, and 223 in this sale illustrated in Exhibition of Chinese Arts, C.T. Loo & Co., New York, 1941.
                                 上  本場拍賣編號239、246、226及223,錄於《Exhibition of Chinese Arts》,盧芹齋,紐約,1941年

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