Page 23 - 2019 September 10th Sotheby's Important Chinese Art Junkunc Collection
P. 23

C.T. Loo, Inc.  New York  April 19, 1950

               Attention: Mr. C. T. Loo
               Before closing I want to say that your retirement from the art world is a distinct loss to all collectors and patrons
               of art. As a matter of fact, I must confess that it leaves me a little sad whenever I think about it and recall the
               pleasant hours I have spent in your company.
               Mr. Loo, when I think of the service you have done in acquainting us with the true art of China in archaic
               jades, bronzes, paintings and even the fabulous Ju ware, it is then that we realize the tremendous job you have
               accomplished and I am sure that the entire art world is grateful to you.

               With best regards

               S. Junkunc, III

                                                                                                   盧芹齋 紐約 1950年4月19日




                                 It is only due to the numerous affidavits, witness documents and original purchase invoices that were
                                 submitted to the Foreign Assets Control department as part of his successful application that we are
                                 today know the additional important provenances of these works.
                                 Throughout his lifetime, Stephen Junkunc, III worked closely with and actively supported the curators
                                 at American museums. He retained a particularly long-standing relationship with the Art Institute of
                                 Chicago (AIC), repeatedly loaning works from his collection to exhibitions through the 1940s-60s. Works
                                 from the Junkunc Collection were also loaned to the seminal Ming Blue and White exhibition at The Art
                                 Institute of Chicago, which traveled to the Philadelphia Museum of Art in 1949, and to the Arts of the
                                 T’ang exhibition of 1956, at the Los Angeles Museum of History, Science and Art. Junkunc’s generosity
                                 towards American museums also extended towards bequests, with gifts from his collection now housed
                                 in the Milwaukee Public Museum, Wisconsin, and the Lowe Art Museum, University of Miami, Florida,
                                 near his Coral Gables summer home.

                                 時間為所購拍品辦理相關進口文件,在提供給海外資                 代之間多次出借許多心愛的藏品供其辦展。瓊肯珍藏
                                 產控制辦公室大量的來源證明文件之後,終於獲得批                 中的藏品曾展於芝加哥藝術博物館所舉辦的極具影響
                                 准進口美國。但也正因如此,今時的我們才可根據這                 力的明代青花瓷大展;這個展覽於1949年又轉至費
                                 些存留下來的文件追溯到這一宗宗重要的來源信息。                 城藝術博物館繼續展覽。除此外,洛杉磯歷史、科學

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