Page 146 - Bonhams Auction NYC Japanese and Korean Art March 15, 2017
P. 146
6310 This so-called mountain, also called Mt. Maple, [about which] earlier
ATTRIBUTED TO SIN HAGGWEON신학권 申學權 poets wrote: .... 'night is quiet and long, approaching the early
(DOAM도암 陶菴, 1785-1866) morning, [few leaves left], turning into autumn now'. However, this
Geumgang naesan chongdo 金剛内剛揔圖 (A General View of Inner painting depicts a view of the moment of the transition from Spring to
Diamond Mountain) Summer. Why does it seem so green? When [I] travel in the mountains,
Korea, Jeoson dynasty (1392–1897), circa 1850 the climb seems dark.
Folding screen mounted on a panel, ink and slight colors on paper,
with four seals Doam 陶菴 18 1/2 x 92in (47 x 233.7cm)
With two inscriptions as follows: US$150,000 - 250,000
華人詩曰:願生高麗國,一見金剛山。餘以東[]人居, 六七百年,至 For a similar painting attributed to the same artist, compare an eight-
四五十,尚未得見。蓋以將老,不能(閱)月遠離故也。既未得足躡 panel screen of Mount Geumgang in the Jordan Schnitzer Museum
其境,常欲想見。枋彿於畫中,而諸帖各異,未知其同不同。大赤坡 of Art, University of Oregon, reproduced in Ilmin Museum of Art일민
詩所云:橫看成嶺側成峰。到處看山各異容者耶。(雄?)言魚 齋鄭 미술관, 夢游 金剛 : 그림 으로 보는 금강산 300년 (Art of Kumgang: From
元伯*所寫,為諸家,(玖)散在人家,其運筆於雲嵐扶[]之巾,而釣 18th Century to 20th Century in Korean Art), Seoul, 1999, cat. no. 20.
得佳境,遠近向背瞭然在目。餘愛而不能捨。始知其我東,妙手獨步 Since early times Geumgangsan (Kumgangsan, Diamond or
於眾中者也,惜其年久漫漶,終歸於澌盡,故乃以新紙摹之。揮灑已 Thunderbolt Mountain), a 5,374-foot peak just north of the
畢,釋觚環視,其真真奇奇 ,[]鬼矢,人奪目,恍惚有若變幻於俄頃 demilitarized zone on the peninsula's east coast, has been regarded
之間。畫亦然矣,況其真乎,無乃化翁之有意用力於融結之初,而現 as a national symbol, admired for its spectacular scenery of more
出琉瑞,千萬諸佛於滄渤之東,而飛仙之所窟宅,靈物之所藏悔者 than 12,000 stone formations of weathered granite and diorite. The
歟。然則其天慳地秘,神剜鬼(削/刻 [])之妙,雖巧於摸寫者,豈得 mountain's name varies with the seasons, Geumgang being its
形容於萬一也哉! spring name; in summer it is known as Pongraesan 봉래산 蓬萊山,
in reference to Penglai, the imaginary island of Chinese mythology, a
A Chinese poem once read: [I] wish I could have been born in Korea place where spirits dwell. Geumgangsan has been celebrated in poetry
so that I could see Mt. Kumgang. I live in the east [of China], (six throughout Korean history and became a favorite subject for painting
hundred or seven hundred years), I am in my 50s, but I have still not during the eighteenth century thanks in large part to Jeong Seon
seen Mt. Kumgang. As I continue to get older, I am no longer able 정선 鄭敾 (Chong Son, 1676-1759), (see lot00), whose most famous
to travel far. Because I've never been able to set foot there, I have version of Geumgangsan (1734) is registered as Korean National
always wanted to see it. As for the paintings [of the subject], each Treasure # 217 and preserved in the Ho-Am Museum. Like the
one is different; I don't know if they are faithful or not. Su Dongpo's painting here, Jeong's painting shows Naegeumgang (Inner Diamond
poem says 'Look horizontally, they're mountain ranges; vertically, they Mountain), usually considered the most picturesque part of the entire
appear to be precipitous peaks'. Mountains viewed from different region, and is celebrated as an example of the artist's distinctive
locations show different contours. There is a painting of Mt. Kumgang style, liberated from undue Chinese influence, based on plein-air
by Jeong Seon. It has been at my home for a while. The brushwork observation, and characterized by strong contrasts of light and shade.
is superb. I like it very much and cannot put it down. By viewing
Jeong Seon's painting, I learned that he is exceptional among many Jeong is said to have executed some hundred versions of the view,
painters [in Korea]. However, the painting is old and in poor condition; (one of which seems to be referenced in the inscription on the present
eventually it will be gone. Therefore, I copied the painting onto new lot), and even though he seems to have had no formal pupils, both
paper. After finishing it and putting down my drink, [I] looked around his choice of subject—one of the key images of Korean nationalism—
[and started to see] forms that were at once real and fantastical: and his style influenced generations of Korean artists, including Sin
spirits and men flashed before my eyes, as if everything had suddenly Haggweon who here follows his predecessor's semi-topographical
changed. The painting also transformed, ..... Was this not God's approach (including labels for some of the more celebrated peaks)
intention when he created the world? Bringing auspicious things into and extensive use of dots to depict vegetation, a distant echo of the
existence - thousands of Buddhas appearing on the east of the ocean, Chinese master Mi Fei (1052-1107). These large-scale compositions
immortals living in those caves? However, heaven is secluded and the were intended almost as a substitute for a real visit: as Jeong Seon
earth is secret. The wonder the gods and ghosts have created, even put it in an inscription on his 1734 masterwork, "Even if you visit the
though one might be good at depicting it, one cannot come close to mountain yourself and tread its every nook and cranny, how can your
describing one one-thousandth of what nature is. joy be compared with what you feel upon viewing this picture at your
As a distinguished later depiction of the country's most iconic
又茲山,或名楓岳。前人所詠,五夜虛明長,欲曙四時,寥落 (稀 painting subject, from the hand of a documented artist, this view of
少)易為秋是也。然此帖攬取時景,乃在春夏之交。蒼翠如滴者何 Geumgangsan would be a significant addition to any serious collection
也?(几)遊間之,士陟遐冥。搜者多在日長少年之時也。觀是帖者常 of Korean painting.