Page 162 - Decorative Asian Art, Bonhams San Francisco June 28, 2017
P. 162

GLOSSARY                                                                                                                    NOTICES TO ALL BUYERS

TYPICAL HEADINGS USED IN THE CATALOG                                                                                        Comments in the catalog descriptions about condition are general in nature
                                                                                                                            and are subject to the “as is” clause in our Conditions of Sale printed in the
The following are examples of the terminology used in the catalog. While                                                    front part of this catalog. Condition reports are available upon request from the
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are subject to the provisions of the Conditions of Sale and the Galleries and
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AUTHORSHIP                                                                                                                  The export of a lot from the United States or import into certain countries may
                                                                                                                            be subject to export or import regulations, licensure and/or other restrictions;
WANG HUI                                                                                                                    in particular, lots containing plant or animal materials such as ivory, rhinoceros
The piece is, in our opinion, a work of the artist.                                                                         horn, tortoiseshell, coral, whalebone or certain types of woods, irrespective of
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The piece is, in our opinion, from the period of the artist and possibly by his                                             Moreover, the ability to obtain an export license or certificate does not insure
hand.                                                                                                                       the ability to obtain an import license or certificate in another country. Lots
                                                                                                                            that contain such regulated species materials may also not be eligible for
SCHOOL OF WANG HUI                                                                                                          exportation or for re-importation into the United States if they are not at least
The piece is, in our opinion, in the style of the artist, possibly of a later period.                                       100 years of age, and, under current law, lots containing African Elephant
                                                                                                                            Ivory may no longer be re-imported into the United States regardless of age. In
AFTER WANG HUI                                                                                                              addition, resales of lots containing certain regulated species materials may be
The piece is, in our opinion, a copy done in the spirit of the artist.                                                      subject to restrictions in some jurisdictions.

“SIGNED”                                                                                                                    Lots noted in the catalog with a Y next to the lot number contain one or more
The piece has a signature which, in our opinion, is that of the artist.                                                     such regulated plant or animal materials. It is the buyer’s responsibility
                                                                                                                            to investigate any such restrictions and to obtain any relevant export
“BEARING THE SIGNATURE OF” OR “INSCRIBED”                                                                                   or import licenses. Please note that this process is governed by local
The piece has a signature which, in our opinion, might be spurious or that                                                  authorities and may take considerable time. Regardless of any delay
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FAMILLE VERTE OVOID VASE                                                                                                    advised to obtain information from the relevant regulatory authorities regarding
KANGXI MARK AND PERIOD                                                                                                      export and import restrictions, requirements, and costs prior to bidding.
When the piece is, in our opinion, a work of that period, reign or dynasty and
marked as such, the date and mark appear in bold below the description.                                                     Prospective buyers should also check with their local (e.g. state) regulatory
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FAMILLE VERTE OVOID VASE                                                                                                    may apply with respect to purchases of regulated species materials, including
KANGXI PERIOD                                                                                                               without limitation purchases of items containing elephant ivory or rhino horn.
When the piece is, in our opinion, a work of that period, reign or dynasty,                                                 For example, we are advised that New York buyers of any lot containing
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FAMILLE VERTE OVOID VASE                                                                                                    State, and that the State of New Jersey has banned the import of items
KANGXI MARK                                                                                                                 containing elephant or marine mammal ivory or rhino horn into that state.
When the piece, in our opinion, was manufactured during the 20th century
or later, or when its date of manufacture is unclear, but bears a mark, the                                                 Upon request, Bonhams can refer the purchaser to a third party agent to
mark appears alone in bold below the description.                                                                           assist the purchaser in attempting to obtain the appropriate licenses and/or
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FAMILLE VERTE OVOID VASE                                                                                                    certificates can be obtained. Please contact the Specialist Department for a
When the piece, in our opinion, was manufactured during the 20th century                                                    suggested list of shipping agents prior to placing a bid if you are uncertain
or later, or when its date of manufacture is unclear, no date appears below                                                 as to whether a lot is subject to export/import license or certificate
its bold description.                                                                                                       requirements or related restrictions.

PHONETICS OF THE PINYIN AND WADE-GILES SYSTEMS                                                                              PHYSICAL CONDITION OF LOTS IN THIS AUCTION
The following phonetic chart is provided as a pronunciation aid.
                                                                                                                            PLEASE NOTE THAT THERE IS NO REFERENCE IN THIS
INITIALS SYLLABLES:                                           FINAL SYLLABLES:                                              CATALOG TO THE PHYSICAL CONDITION OF ANY LOT.
                                                                                                                            INTENDING BIDDERS MUST SATISFY THEMSELVES AS
Pinyin	   Wade-Giles                                          Pinyin	           Wade-Giles                                  TO THE CONDITION OF ANY LOTS AS SPECIFIED IN THE
                                                                                                                            ‘LIMITATION OF LIABILITY’ IN THE ‘CONDITIONS OF SALE.’
an................................................... en      b....................................................... p
e....................................................... o    p...................................................... p’    As a courtesy to intending bidders, Bonhams will provide a
i. .......................................................ih  d........................................................ t   written indication of the physical condition of lots in this sale
i.............................................u (si/ssu)      t........................................................ t’  if a request is received up to 24 hours before the auction
ie..................................................... ieh   g....................................................... k    starts. Such report is also available for download from
ong............................................... ung        k....................................................... k    Bonhams website.
ue..................................................ueh       zh.................................................... ch
ui..................................................... uei   k..................................................... ch
uo..................................................... o     ch.................................................. ch’
yi.........................................................i  q.................................................... ch’
YOU................................................YU         z..................................................ts, tz
YU. .................................................YU       c.................................................ts’ tz’
                                                              x. .....................................................hs
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