Page 42 - Japanese Art September 2017 New York
P. 42


                                                             TWO SATSUMA CONTAINERS
                                                             Meiji era (1868-1912), late 19th century
                                                             The first a tea caddy of square section, each panel painted in blue,
                                                             white, red and gilt with alternating shishi and phoenixes framed by
                                                             mythical creatures and reserved on a black enamel ground, the
                                                             fitted lid decorated en suite, with apocryphal date Ansei ninen kore
                                                             o tsukuru and signed (Shi)gi Rakuzan utsusu; the second a high-
                                                             shouldered ovoid jar with a scallop-edged foot, the gilt and colored
                                                             enamel decoration of two floral panels reserved on a net of linked
                                                             hexagons occasionally framing red blossoms, silvered metal rim and
                                                             floral-etched cover
                                                             5 3/4 and 5 1/4in (14.6 and 13.5cm) high
                                                             US$1,500 - 2,000

                                                             A SATSUMA MODEL OF A KABUTO (HELMET)
                                                             Meiji era (1868-1912), late 19th century
           1080                                              Modeled as a suji kabuto (helmet with standing ridges) mounted with
                                                             kuwagata (decorative horns) and a maedate (forecrest) formed as a
                                                             dragon, the fukigaeshi (turnbacks) decorated with waves and floral
                                                             lozenges and applied with chrysanthemum bosses, all painted in
                                                             polychrome enamels and gilt
                                                             12 3/8in (31.4cm) wide

                                                             US$1,800 - 2,500
                                                             A SATSUMA MODEL OF AN OLD MAN
                                                             Meiji era (1868-1912), late 19th century
                                                             Modeled as the old man from the Tale of the Tongue-Cut Sparrow
                                                             seated by a treasure box enjoying a smoke while his sparrow
                                                             companion alights on his shoulder, all painted in polychrome enamels
                                                             and gilt
                                                             7 1/4in (18.5cm) high, 9 3/4in (24.7cm) wide

                                                             US$1,200 - 1,800


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