Page 45 - Dreweatts May 19, 2015 Chinese and Asian Works of Art, Good section on late Chinese Bronzes
P. 45



         77                                                         79
         A Tibetan temple pelmet,                                   A Han Chinese woman’s
         18th and 19th century,                                     informal coat, ao, late Qing,
         consisting of a coral ground                               the blue coloured damask
         silk band embroidered with                                 finely woven with blooming
         vajra symbols alternating with                             flowers, with black silk
         lotus flowers, supporting silk                             borders, the sleeve bands
         satin streamers with pointed                               embroidered in fine satin
         ends, each composed of four                                stitch with garden scenes
         silk woven panels with folded                              137cm wide and 88cm high
         over triangular ends, each em-        78
         bellished with a tassel, 363cm                             清大襟宽袖夹袄
         wide and 80cm high

         78                                                         80
         A Manchu woman’s informal                                  A Han Chinese woman
         robe, changyi, late Qing                                   informal coat, ao, late Qing,
         dynasty, the emerald                                       the cerise coloured damask
         green silk damask, finely                                  finely woven with the Eight
         embroidered with butterflies                               Buddhist symbols, with an
         hovering amid Peking knot                                  unusual chain stitch border of
         blooming peonies, in vibrant          79                   endless knots alternating with
         five colours, the collar and                               clouds, the ivory satin outer
         cuffs with lotus flowers,                                  border and the matching
         peonies and geometric                                      “ruyi” collar embroidered in
         patterns, 115cm wide and                                   fine satin stitch with figures
         97cm high                                                  in garden settings, the blue
                                                                    satin sleeve bands worked in
         清 绿缎刺绣花卉蝴蝶氅衣                                               in raised, gold thread dragon
                                                                    清 大襟宽袖夹袄

                                                80                  £300-500

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