Page 96 - Bonhams Chinese Scholar's Art March 2014
P. 96
Property from Various Owners
8142 with a relief seal of Zhou Peichun.[3]
Zhou Peichun Studios, Late Qing/Early Republic period 12 x 15in (30.5 x 38.1cm); 10 x 12 1/2 (25.4 x 31.7cm); 5 3/8 x 5 1/2in
Three Albums of Beijing Customs (13.7 x 13.9cm)
The first album ink and color on silk consisting of eight leaves, six $4,000 - 6,000
illustrating the lifestyle of a wealthy family and two of Imperial
processions, each leaf with a tipped in ink on paper inscription and a 周培春繪北京風俗畫 设色绢本 册页三本 清末/民国初
relief seal of Zhou Peichun; the second album consisting of eighteen
leaves, ink and color on paper; each leaf colorfully illustrating five to seven Provenance:
Beijing shop signs, followed by a description in Chinese and most with a Acquired in Beijing 1912-1939 by a professor of English at Yenching
later penciled translation in English, each page with a relief seal of Zhou University, thence by descent.
Peichun; the third ink and color on paper with thirty six leaves of street
vendors, entertainers and conveyances, each followed by a description in
Chinese and many with later penciled translation in English, each page
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