Page 38 - Chinese Jades Nov 30 2017 Hong Kong
P. 38


           A WHITE AND RUSSET JADE FIGURE OF A       清康熙或更早   白玉雕鴻運當頭瑞雞
           QING DYNASTY, KANGXI PERIOD OR            玉雕臥雞甚為少見,本品造型小巧,線條圓潤,突顯玉石
           EARLIER                                   瑩潤通透,色澤均勻,亦見細節刻畫入微,雕工精美。褐
           worked recumbent with its crowned head turned sharply
           backwards, its beak grasping a leafy millet spray, finely
           detailed with plumage, the stone of an even white tone with
           russet patches                            館,香港,1996年,編號70。
           h. 5.2 cm, 2 in.
           HK$ 120,000-180,000                       國肖生玉雕》,前述出處,編號180。另可比較一雙雞
           US$ 15,400-23,100                         作例,定為明代早期,藏於巴斯東亞藝術博物館,錄於
                                                     《Jades from China》,巴斯,1994年,圖版282。
           Small jade carvings of roosters are rare, and the present piece
           is a particularly exquisite example for its fine modelling. The
           translucency and even tone of the jade stone is enhanced
           by the soft round body, which in turns provides an attractive
           contrast to the detailed feathers of the tail and wings. The
           skilful incorporation of the natural russet inclusions of the
           stone not only displays the carver’s appreciation of the
           precious material but also heightens the overall sense of
           three-dimensionality. It is interesting to note that this piece
           would have echoed the past as its pose is reminiscent of jade
           staff finials in the form of birds, such as one attributed to the
           Tang period, included in the exhibition Chinese Jade Animals,
           Hong Kong Museum of Art, Hong Kong, 1996, cat. no. 70.
           A slightly larger jade rooster similarly modelled with its head
           turned back and grasping a sprig of chrysanthemum, was
           included in the exhibition Chinese Jade Animals, op. cit., cat.
           no. 180. Compare also a carving of two roosters, attributed to
           the early Ming period, in the Museum of East Asian Art, Bath,
           illustrated in Jades from China, Bath, 1994, pl. 282.

           36      SOTHEBY’S  蘇富比
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