Page 78 - Chinese Jades Nov 30 2017 Hong Kong
P. 78


           A CELADON AND RUSSET JADE FIGURE OF       Caparisoned horses were a popular representation amongst
           A HORSE                                   existing jade carvings of horses. Such representation drew
           MING DYNASTY                              closer parallel to ancient tomb models made of ceramic or
           the recumbent animal with head slightly lowered, caparisoned
                                                     A near identical Yuan-Ming dynasty jade horse from the
           with an elaborate saddle on its back and fastened with reins
                                                     collection of Victor Shaw was illustrated in James C.Y Watt,
           around its face, the stone of a celadon tone flecked with russet
           8.4 cm, 3¼ in.                            Chinese Jades from Han to Ch’ing, The Asia Society, New York,
                                                     1980, p. 83, pl. 66. Another closely related jade horse, dated to
           PROVENANCE                                Yuan dynasty or later, was included in the exhibition catalogue
                                                     Chinese Jade Animals, Hong Kong Museum of Art, Hong Kong,
           An English private collection.
                                                     1996, p. 152, cat. no. 134. See also a similar Ming-dynasty
           Bonhams London, 12th May 2011, lot 2.
                                                     example from the collection of Dr S.Y. Kwan, illustrated in
                                                     Chan Lai Pik, Chinese Jades: The Dr S.Y. Kwan Collection, Hong
           HK$ 30,000-40,000                         Kong, 2012, pl. 63.
           US$ 3,850-5,200
           明   青白玉臥馬

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