Page 202 - Merchants and Mandarins China Trade Era
P. 202
again annoying us.11
After 1828 American trade in textiles between Canton
and England gradually became a vital part of the American China
trade. The sale of English manufactures constituted the pri
mary legitimate import of Americans at Canton, until the intro
duction of American domestics (cotton cloths) in the mid-1830 s.
Particularly involved in this branch of trade during the 1830 s
were the major American commission houses of Russell & Co.,
Wetmore & Co. and Olyphant & Co. Because of the absorption of
all Perkins & Co. business in 1830-31, Russell & Co. became the
largest and wealthiest American house at Canton. Only the East
India Company itself handled more trade than Russell & Co. and
the other American houses to profit as they did. By its charter
the Company retained a monopoly over all exports from England
to Canton. This monopoly, in prohibiting other English mer
chants from dealing in manufactures, effectively limited com
petition to the benefit of Americans. The Company's monopolis
tic charter also predisposed its Directors to be conservative
in trade, since the Company could not risk failure. It there
fore operated in terms of fixed prices and amounts. Consequently,
American merchants were able to trade on better terms than the
Company and yet not fear any threat of competition from other
English merchants. For that reason the Americans, although
they ridiculed the Company's arrogance and stuffiness, were
william S. Wood, Sketches of China with Illustrations from
Original Drawings (Philadelphia, 1830), pp. 63-64. An American
Merchant, Remarks on British Relations and Intercourse with China
(London, 1834), in Chinese Repository, III, 9 (January 1835), 408.