Page 3 - Merchants and Mandarins China Trade Era
P. 3

Dissertation  Abs·tract

                  1'fiERCHANTS  AND  MANDARINS:

                  Mary  Veronica  Kuebel
                  Uni versi·ty  of  Virginia
                  Augus·t  197 4

                          American  contact  with  China  began  in  the  1780 s,  when  tra­
                   ders  .from  the  newly-independent  Republic  appeared  at  Canton  to

                  purchase  China.  teas  and  silks.  These firs·t  Americans  in  China

                  discovered  that  Westerners  resided  in  the  Chinese  Empire  only

                  on  Chinese  terms.  Americans,  like  the  European  traders  who

                  preceded  them  ·to  China,  could  enter  the  Empire  at  one  port  (Can­

                  ton)  for  the  sole  purpose  of  trade.  The  Chinese  considered  all

                  foreigners  to  be  inferior "barbarians."  To  govern  the  Wester­

                  ners  at  Canton,  the  Uhinese  had  e s tablished  a  set  of  regula­

                  tions  and  restrictions.  Knovm  as  'the  "Canton  system,"  these

                  laws  kept  Westerners  under  the  stric·t  control  of  ·the  Imperial


                          By  the  1780's  this  system  had  operated  efficiently  for

                   over  a  cen-tury.  Since  their  government  had  little  power  or  in­

                  fluence  to  protect  them  in  foreign  ports,  American  traders  gen­
                  erally  observed  na:tive  la,vs.  Eager  for  commercial  profi·ts,

                  Americans  in  Chil'.l  tolerated  Chinese  assumptions  of  superiority

                  to  succeed  under  the  "Canton  system."  The  first  Americans  at

                  Canton  were  individualistic,  adventuresome  and competitive.

          characteristics  had  pushed  them  across  oceans  to  India  and

                  the  East  Indies  and  to  the  Pacific  Northwest  and  the  Hawaiian

                  Islands  on  their  way  to  the  Celestial  Empire.  American  sea-
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