Page 407 - Merchants and Mandarins China Trade Era
P. 407

                  the  drug,  more  difficult  to  obtain  during  the  Opium  War,  in­

                  creased  over  one-hundred  percent.  Ironically,  the  War  impelled

                  the  trade  to  grow  "more  rapidly  than  ever  before, 11  as  Chinese

                  authorities  concentrated  their  efforts  on  combatting  the  English

                  Navy.     In  1841  the  English  merchants  anchored  their  opium  ves-

                  sels  at  Hong  Kong,  where  they  operated  beyond  the  reach  of
                  local  Chinese  officials.

                             As  the  Opium  War  progressed,  American  merchants'  atti­

                  tudes  toward  the  opium  trade  changed.  By  the  spring  of  1842,

                  if  not  earlier,  Americans  once  again  began  to  speculate  in  the

                  drug.  American  opium  clippers  reappeared  along  the  coast.

                  Russell  &  Co.  and  A.  Heard  &  Co.  were  the  first  American  houses

                  to  re-enter  the  business,  although  they  confined  their  trade

                  entirely  to  the  coast  to  avoid  the  risk  of  apprehension  at

                  Whampoa.  Americans  also  sold  their  clippers  to  English  houses,

                  especially  Jardine,  Matheson  &  Co.,  for  use  in  the  opium  trade.

                  Some  of  these  clippers  continued  to  fly  American  colors  in  the

                  hope  that  the  American  flag  would  grant  greater  access  to  trade.

                               U.S.,  Department  of  State,  Consular  DesDatches:  Canton,
                  P.W.  Snow,  Jan.  11,  1840.  Letter,  E.C.  Bridgman  to  American
                  Board  of  Commissioners,  Jul.  1,  1841,  in  Missionary  Herald,  XXXVIII,
                  3  (March  1842),  101.  Bridgman  wrote  that  the  opium  trade  was  "in­
                  creasing  now  more  rapidly  than  ever  before."                 American  missionary
                  David  Abeel  described  the  English  opium  fleet's  anchorage  near·
                  Hong  Kong  in  Journal  of  D.  Abeel,  Feb.  13,  1842,  in  Missionary
                  Herald,  XXXVIII,  12  (December  1842),  465.

                               Letter,  J.P.  Cushing  to  R.B.  Forbes,  Jun.1,                 1842,
                  Boston,  Museum  of  the  American  China  Trade,  Forbes  Family  MSS.
                  In  this  letter  Cushing  declined  an  offer  to  join  the  Forbeses
                  in  opium  speculations.  Letter,  A.  Heard  to  G.  Lee,  Feb.  10,
                  1842,  Heard  MSS.
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