Page 489 - Merchants and Mandarins China Trade Era
P. 489


                                    •    11The  Government  and  the  Co-Hong  of  Canton,  1839. 11
                                 cT-iinese  Social  and  Political  Science_Rev_iew,  XV  (1932),

                                         11:N ev;  Ligbt  on  Chinese  Diplomacy,  1836-49. n            Jour-
                     ______ •
                                 nal  of  Modern  History,.  III  (1931),  578-91.
                     de  Vargas,  Philip.          "Hunter's  Books  on  the  Old  Canton  Fae tor­
                                 ies 9  11   Yench:i.111?  Journal  of  Social  Stu�,  II,  l  (July
                                 1939)'  91-il''/.

                     Wakeman,  li'rederic,  jr.          11High  Ch ing::  1683-1839.       11   l!Q_dern  East
                                 _Asia:  Essa.vs  in  I1:i_!e;r..P,!'�J;atiSm•   Edi·ced  by  James  B.
                                 C!rowley�      Nev1  York,  19'/0.

                     Williams,  Samuel  Wells.            11Establishment  of.American  Trade  at
                                 Canton."  �a              Review, V,  152-64.
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