Page 132 - Bonhams Olivier Collection Early Chinese Art November 2018
P. 132

The present lot was designed to store wine. Its function was recorded   壺,屬酒器,原作儲存或盛載酒類之用,其用途於詩經及禮記中皆有
           in historical texts such as the Shijing (The Classic of Poetry), as well as   所記載。此器呈扁腹橢圓狀,束頸飾以饕餮紋一周,兩側設貫耳一
           the Liji (Book of Rites). Originally, this type of vessel would have had a   對,原應配有壺蓋,並以繩索穿過壺身兩側之貫耳牽緊壺身,可惜皆
           lid which might have been fastened to the body by a string from the   已佚失。
           lug-handles on the sides.
           Bronze hu vessels of this type were popular in the Anyang region   西清澗及山東高城皆曾出土商中葉至末期之類似器具,詳見林己奈夫
           during the late Shang period and there are many published examples.   著,《殷周青銅器總覽》,東京,1984年,圖25、37及38。另外一
           For bronze hu of similar shape and decoration found in Zhengzhou   商末例子,則見於汪濤著,《Chinese Bronzes from the Meiyintang
           in Henan, Qingjian in Shaanxi and Gaocheng in Shandong, all   Collection(玫茵堂藏中國銅器)》,倫敦,2009年,頁82至83,圖
           dating from the middle to late Shang dynasty, see Hayashi Minao,   37。壺此一青銅形制亦延續至西周初期,但以較繁複的手法裝飾,詳
           Conspectus of Yin and Zhou bronzes, Tokyo, 1984, nos.25, 37 and   見上者,頁82。
           38. See also another similar hu, late Shang dynasty, illustrated by
           Wang Tao, Chinese Bronzes from the Meiyintang Collection, London,   另一件商末安陽風格青銅壺,曾於2010年9月16日於紐約佳士得拍
           2009, pp.82-83, no.37. Large bronze hu of similar form continued into   賣,拍品831號,整器器身以饕餮紋作飾,但形制相似,可資比對。
           the early Western Zhou periods, but by then the bodies were more
           elaborately ornamented, see Ibid., p.82.

           Compare with a related bronze hu, late Shang period, and in Anyang
           style, in a similar shape but with full-body decoration, which was sold
           at Christie’s New York, 16 September 2010, lot 831.

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