Page 141 - Bonhams Olivier Collection Early Chinese Art November 2018
P. 141
The Kagyu monastic complex in Densatil, southeast of Lhasa, was 整體錘揲而成,再鏨刻細部,天女開臉微露笑意,髮髻高聳,上戴寶
founded in 1108, after the spiritual teacher Pagmodrupa Dorje Gyalpo 冠,嵌以寶石,耳戴餅形吊飾,頸部戴瓔珞,上臂戴璧圈,皆鑲雜
travelled to the area near the Northern banks of the Tsangpo river. 寶,四臂或舉或垂,各持法器,裙衫搖曳,如聞法鼓而起。
Pupils gathered at his side to form a simple monastery originally of
grass huts, but after his death in 1170 the monastic complex was 位於拉薩東南方的噶舉派丹薩替寺,始建於公元1108年。相傳帕摩竹
enlarged and a temple built. 巴上師遊歷至雅魯藏布江北岸,並於此處創建該寺。寺廟最初只是一
From the mid 14th century, Densatil was ruled by the Phagmogrupa 1170年圓寂後,寺廟方逐漸擴張,成就今日所見的規模。
family, one of the most powerful ruling families of the time in Tibet.
The family sought to extend its influence with a series of high-level 自十四世紀中葉起,丹薩替寺附近地區由當時西藏最具影響力的帕木
gift exchanges with the Chinese emperors, and eventually they came 竹巴家族統治。為拓展其影響力,帕木竹巴政權與中土朝廷建立朝貢
to rule almost all of Tibet. Their wealth and influence is attested by 關係,隨後更幾乎統治西藏全境。而丹薩替寺於帕木竹巴政權庇蔭下
the astonishingly high quality of art produced under their patronage. 香火鼎盛,並累積大量財富;留駐在寺廟的尼泊爾內瓦爾工匠所製造
The Densatil monastery became one of the richest in Tibet, and was 的金屬法器以及繪畫唐卡更是以別緻著稱,聞名遐邇。
renowned in particular for its metalwork and paintings by Newar artists
from Nepal. 丹撒替寺的藝術成就可見於意大利探險家朱塞佩·圖齊(Giuseppe
Evidence of the artistic importance and influence of Densatil can be 比利所攝的黑白照片,詳見P.Mele著,《Tibet(西藏)》,加爾各
seen in the records of the Italian traveller Giuseppe Tucci following his 答,1975年。
visit in 1948, and in the black and white photographs taken by the
Italian photographer Pietro Francesco Mele who accompanied Tucci 此件飾板原應鑲嵌於丹撒替寺內的佛塔基座之上,塔內則放置十八個
on the 1948 expedition; see P.Mele, Tibet, Calcutta, 1975. 存有摩竹巴上師的舍利,以作供奉。如今,類似飾板可見於世界各
Friezes such as the present lot would once have decorated the base of 館。伊士曼(I. Eastman)伉儷亦藏有一例,並曾於紐約出展,載於
a stupa at Densatil, where eighteen large funerary reliquaries contained M.Rhie及R.Thurman著,《Wisdom and Compassion: The Sacred Art
the mortal remains of the religious and political leaders of the of Tibet(智慧與慈悲:西藏的神聖藝術)》,紐約,2000年,編號
Phagmogrupa. These friezes can now be found scattered in museum 240。另外一例,由飛利浦.戈德曼(Philip Goldman)所藏,載於
collections around the globe, including in the Musée Guimet and 馮.施羅德(von Schroeder)著,《Indo-Tibetan Bronzes(印藏銅
the Dallas Museum of Art. A similar frieze with four dancing maidens 像)》,香港,1981年,頁430,圖113G。
from the collection of Mr and Mrs John I.Eastman was included in the
exhibition and illustrated in the catalogue by M.Rhie and R.Thurman, 香港邦瀚斯曾於2012年5月27日拍賣一件類似的十四/十五世紀西藏丹
Wisdom and Compassion: The Sacred Art of Tibet, New York, 2000, 薩替寺銅鎏金四供養天女飾板,拍品281號。另一件類似的十四/十五
no.240. See also a frieze from the collection of Philip Goldman, 世紀銅鎏金飾板則於倫敦邦瀚斯拍賣,拍品260號。
London, illustrated by von Schroeder, Indo-Tibetan Bronzes, Hong
Kong, 1981, p.430, pl.113G.
Compare with a similar Densatil frieze with four dancers, 14th/15th
century, which was sold at Bonhams Hong Kong, 27 May 2012, lot
281. Another similar Densatil frieze, 14th/15th century, was sold at
Bonhams London, 8 November 2012, lot 260.
Image after Wisdom and Compassion: The Sacred
Art of Tibet, New York, 2000, no.240