Page 88 - Sotheby's New York Linyushanren Part IV Auction September 13, 2018
P. 88


          北      A RARE CIZHOU SGRAFFIATO VASE,                      北宋/金   磁州窯剔花卉紋玉壺春瓶
          宋/     YUHUCHUNPING
          金      NORTHERN SONG-JIN DYNASTY (960-1234)
                 The pear-shaped body is carved through the white slip to the pale   此類白剔花,而非一般黑剔花的磁州窯玉壺春瓶實屬罕見。可參考一
          磁      beigish-grey ground with a wide band of foral scroll beneath a band    近似例,其器身及頸部紋飾亦呈帶狀,載於《關氏所藏宋代陶瓷》,
          州      of stylized key-fret at the shoulder and above decorative leaf bands
                 above the foot, all under a clear glaze that falls in an irregular line
          窯      towards the foot ring.
          白      10¡ in. (26.3 cm.) high, Japanese wood box
          掻      $20,000-30,000                     £16,000-23,000
          落                                          €18,000-26,000
          花      Cizhou sgraffato vases of this yuhuchunping shape with the decoration
          卉      carved through a white slip rather than a dark brown glaze appear to
          文      be quite rare. One of similar type, also with the decoration arranged
                 in bands around the body and neck, is illustrated in Song Ceramics
          瓶      from the Kwan Collection, Hong Kong Museum of Art, 1994, no. 197.

          86     Masterpieces of Cizhou Ware: The Linyushanren Collection, Part IV     磁州窯集珍:古韻天成-臨宇山人珍藏(四)
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