Page 77 - Jades from the Chang We Hwa collection Hong Kong Dec 3 2021
P. 77
fig. 1 Charles Lang Freer Endowment , Freer Gallery of Art and Arthur M. Sackler Gallery Collection
圖一 Charles Lang Freer 捐贈佛利爾美術館與亞瑟・M・賽克勒美術館
2751 Contiued
Compare to a similar jade ornament but decorated with comma scrolls 比較弗利爾美術館藏一形制相似惟略大的戰國例(11.3 公分長)(圖
on the tube instead, in the Freer Gallery Collection (fig. 1), illustrated in 一),見那志良著《玉器通釋》,上冊,台北,1964 年,圖版 83 號。
Yuqi tongshi, Voulume 1, Taipei, 1964, 83. See also a simialr jade 此類管形飾亦見鳳紋,如安徽省長豐縣楊公 2 號墓例子,見古方著《中
ornament of the late Warrings States peirod, decoarted with a phoenix
was excavated from No.2 Yanggong tomb, Changfeng County, Anhui 國古玉器圖典》,北京,2017 年,206 頁,左上。
Province, illustrated in The Pictorial Handbook of Ancitent Chinese Jades,
Beijing, 2017, p.206, top left.