Page 35 - Indian and Himilayan Art
P. 35

227                                     Nepal has a celebrated revival tradition   A Bronze Figure of Buddha, 11th century,
A BRONZE FIGURE OF AN                   whereby later artists emulate earlier      Nepal Collection F. Neustatter, Los Angeles
ENTHRONED BUDDHA                        styles. The present fgure is an example    P. Pal, The Arts of Nepal Vol 1: Sculpture,
NEPAL, 16TH/17TH CENTURY                of this tradition. Here, the artist has    Netherlands, 1974, p.184
                                        reinterpreted an earlier image, such as
Base sealed and incised with a          the eleventh century bronze fgure of a
double-vajra                            seated Buddha, illustrated below. The
7æ in. (18.8 cm.) high                  present example retains the principle
                                        features of the earlier work: a single
$20,000-30,000                          fgure seated on a rectangular base
                                        backed by a halo. However, in the
PROVENANCE:                             present example the artist has made
                                        slight alterations, such as removing the
with Rudi Oriental Arts, New York.      smaller secondary halo and shortening
Acquired by the current owner from the  the length of the ribbon on the base to
above in the 1960s.                     add two small elephants. These subtle
                                        changes represent both the personal
PUBLISHED:                              aesthetic of the artist and the stylistic
                                        trends of the time.
Himalayan Art Resource
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