Page 78 - Pierre Durand Collection Including Chinese Art and Porcelain Sothebys Jan 27 2022
P. 78

         The head of the Virgin with the Annunciation
         signed ‘BPassarotto. F.’ (‘BP’ in ligature) (lower right)
         pen and brown ink, gray wash (added later)
         18 x 14Ω in. (46 cm x 36.5 cm)
         PROVENANCE:                                          This monumental sheet has a well-documented provenance from the
         Egnazio Danti (1536-1586), Rome.                     time it was owned by the Domenican friar and polymath Egnazio Danti,
         Probably Canons Regular of S. Salvatore, Bologna.    who became acquaintances with Passarotti during his stay in Bologna
         Probably Dominco Grossi, Bologna.                    between 1576 and 1580, when he lectured at the university on geometry and
         August Grahl (1791-1868), Dresden (L. 1199).
         Felix Becker (1864-1928), Leipzig.                   astronomy. At that time, in 1577, Passarotti painted an engaging portrait of
         with R.E.A. Wilson, London (Catalogue of Drawings by Old Masters and Modern   Danti in the act of teaching (Brest, Musée Municipal, inv. 981.14.1). As stated
         Artists, 1934, no. 103, ill.)                        by Passarotti’s first biographer, Vincenzo Borghini, Danti owned the drawing,
         Anonymous sale; Sotheby’s, London, 25 March 1965, lot 59.  together with its pendant with Christ wearing the crown of thorns, now in
         Anonymous sale; Christie’s, New York, 30 January 1997, lot 14.  the Princeton University Art Museum (inv. 1999-1; see Giles, Markey and
                                                              Van Cleave, op. cit., no. 43, ill.); Borghini describes the two heads as ‘finite
         EXHIBITED:                                           in tutta perfettione con la penna’ (op. cit.). It is not known if the drawings
         Princeton, Princeton University Art Museum, 500 Years of Italian Master
         Drawings from the Princeton University Art Museum, 2014 (no catalogue).  were commissioned by Danti or if they were rather a gift from Passarotti to
                                                              his friend. It has been suggested that the two images were once drawn on a
         LITERATURE:                                          single large sheet, described by Borghini as a foglio imperiale (circa 50 x 74
         V. Borghini, Il Riposo, Florence 1584, p. 566.       cm), and only later cut in half (see Ghirardi, op. cit., 2007, p. 128).
         C. C. Malvasia, Felsina pittrice, Bologna, 1678, II, p. 245.
         A. Bolognini-Amorini, Vite dei pittori ed artefici bolognesi, Bologna, 1841-1845,   The highly finished representation of the Virgin is an extraordinary example
         I, p. 92.                                            of disegno finito, a kind of independent drawing produced by Passarotti and
         F. Becker, Handzeichnungen alter Meister in Privatsammlungen. Fünfzig bisher
         nicht veröffentliche Originalzeichnungen des XV. bis XVIII Jahrhunderts, Leipzig,   highly sought after by collectors’ in his own time (see Bohn, op. cit., pp. 52-
         1922, p. 13, ill.                                    79). Next to the Virgin’s head are drawn two halves of a medallion with the
         Dizionario enciclopedico Bolaffi dei pittori e degli incisori italiani dall’XI al XX   scene of the Annunciation. Similar scenes inscribed within half medallions
         secolo, Turin, 1975, VIII, p. 362.                   are seen in three largev sheets with profiles of Roman emperors now in the
         M. Fanti, ‘Spigolature d’archivio per la storia dell’arte a Bologna’, Il Carrobbio, IV,   Staatsgalerie Stuttgart (inv. 1346-1348; see Höper, op. cit., II, pp. 187-188,
         1978, pp. 193-194.                                   ill.). The inclusion of the medallion may be related to Passarotti’s interest in
         M. Daly Davis, ‘Beyond the ‘Primo Libro’ of Vincenzo Dati’s Trattato delle Perfette   antiquities, of which he was an avid collector.
         Proporzioni’, Mitteilungen des Kunsthistorischen Institutes in Florenz, XXVI, 1982,
         no. 1, p. 83, n. 101.
         S. Brink, ‘Fra Egnazio Danti, das Programm der Sala Vecchia degli Svizzeri im
         Vatikan und C. Ripas Iconologia’, Mitteilungen des Kunsthistorischen Institutes in
         Florenz, XXVII, 1983, no. 2, pp. 240-241.
         C. Höper, Bartolomeo Passarotti (1529-1592), Worms, 1987, II, no. Z186.
         A. Ghirardi, Bartolomeo Passerotti pittore (1529-1592). Catalogo generale, Rimini,
         1990, no. 55b, ill.
         F. A. den Broeder, Old Master Drawings from the Collection of Joseph F.
         McCrindle, exhib. cat., Princeton, Princeton University Art Museum, and
         elsewhere, 1991-1992, p. 46, under no. 14, ill.
         B. Bohn, ‘Felsina collezionista. The creation of finished drawings in Sixteenth
         Century Bologna’, Studi di Storia dell’Arte, V-VI, 1994-1995, p. 195.
         S. Tumidei, ‘Alessandro Menganti e le arti a Bologna nella seconda metà
         del Cinquecento. Alla ricerca di un contesto,’ in Il Michelangelo incognito.
         Alessandro Menganti e le arti a Bologna nell’età della Controriforma, exhib. cat.,
         Bologna, Museo civico medievale, 2002, p. 102.
         F. Francesca, ‘Danti Edits Vignola. The Formation of a Modern Classic on
         Perspective’, in The Treatise on Perspective. Published and Unpublished. Papers
         Presented at the First Kress-Murphy Symposium Held at the National Gallery of
         Art, Washington, D.C., and New Haven, 2003, p. 142.
         A. Ghirardi, ‘Sotto il segno del Vignola. Bartolomeo Passerotti e Egnazio Danti
         a Bologna’, in La percezione e la rappresentazione dello spazio a Bologna e in
         Romagna nel Rinascimento fra teoria e prassi, Bologna, 2007, pp. 127-130, ill.
         L. Giles in Italian Master Drawings from the Princeton University Art Museum,
         Princeton, 2014, p. 105, under no. 43, ill.

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