Page 88 - Pierre Durand Collection Including Chinese Art and Porcelain Sothebys Jan 27 2022
P. 88

                                                              FRANÇOIS-ANDRÉ VINCENT (PARIS 1746-1816)
                                                              Head of a young man in agony
                                                              signed ‘Vincent’
                                                              red chalk, stumping
                                                              5.2/5 x 5.2/5 in. (14.2 x 14.2 cm)
                                                              Anonymous sale; Piasa, Paris, 17 December 1999, lot 89.
                                                              J.-P. Cuzin, François-André Vincent, 1746-1816. Entre Fragonard et David, Paris,
                                                              2013, no. 381D, ill.
                                                              The present drawing can be related to figures in two history paintings
                                                              by Vincent, whose manner stradles those of Jacques-Louis David and of
                                                              Fragonard: The Rape of the Sabine Women of 1781 (Musée d’Angers, inv.
                                                              MBA J 178; see Cuzin, op. cit., no. 380 P, ill.), and the lost Achilles rescued by
                                                              Vulcan of 1782-1783 (ibid., no. 402 P). Following the dates of these works,
                                                              Jean-Pierre Cuzin has suggested a date for the present drawing around
                                                              1780-1782. The signature in pen and brown ink is comparable to one found
                                                              on a black and white chalk study for Diana and Actaeon, dated 1778 (The
                                                              Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, inv. 62.124.1; ibid., no. 338 D, ill p.

                                                              JEAN-JACQUES KARPFF, CALLED CASIMIR (COLMAR 1770-1829
                                                              Jean-Jacques Reiset seated by a desk
                                                              inscribed ‘Au citoy[en] Recev’ (on the letter on the desk); inscribed ‘Jean Jacque
                                                              Reiset, vivant/ Bailli de la Province d'Alsace/ avocat au conseil Souverain
                                                              d’Alsace/ Receveur Général du Haut Rhin/ ne à Colmar en 1731 mort dans
                                                              cette/ ville en 1804./ Casimir Karpff./ Colmar.’ (on the backing)
                                                              12 x 9 in. (30.3 x 23.1 cm)
                                                              graphite, on paper mounted on board
                                                              Anonymous sale; Christie’s, New York, 30 January 1998, lot 339.
                                                              V. von der Brüggen and R. Mariani, Jean-Jacques Karpff (1770- 1829). ‘Visez au
                                                              sublime’, exhib. cat., Colmar, Musée Unterlinden, 2017, p. 131, under no. 53.

                                                              The elegant man seated at his desk depicted here is Jean-Jacques de Reiset
                                                              (1730-1804) who, like Casimir, came from Colmar and who held several
                                                              official position in Alsace, and was also the grandfather of Frederic Reiset,
                                                              the famous collector and and curator of the Louvre’s drawings collection.
                                                              Another version of the drawing, with a pendant portrait of Reiset’s wife,
                                                              Marie-Thérèse Carré de Baudouin, is also known (Von der Brüggen and
                                                              Mariani, op. cit., nos. 52, 53, ill.). The drawing offered here drawing is still
                                                              preserved on the tablet, or a cardboard with the sheet wrapped around it, on
                                                              which it was made.

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