Page 50 - Sotheby's Part I Collection of Sir Joeseph Hotung Collection CHINESE ART , Oct. 9, 2022
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154                                                                                                                                  155
           ؇ ˋ           AN INSCRIBED BRONZE SPEARHEAD,                                                                                        ؇ ڡ            AN ARCHAIC COPPER-INLAID BRONZE WINE VESSEL, BIANHU,
           մ ໳           EASTERN ZHOU DYNASTY, WARRING STATES PERIOD,                                                                          մ ზ            EASTERN ZHOU DYNASTY, WARRING STATES PERIOD
           ኷ ˖           BASHU CULTURE                                                                                                         ኷ ల            the flattened oval body raised on a spreading rectangular foot, each side crisply cast in low relief with nineteen panels arranged in five

           ਷ ʷ           the elongated leaf-shaped blade set on a slightly flared and hollow shaft, one side cast with a pacing tiger with a striped pelt shown in   ਷ ߎ  rows and divided by raised borders inlaid with copper sheet, each panel enclosing a dense pattern of interlocking dragons, the shoulder
           ࣛ ڡ           profile, the other side with an insect with patterned wings, detailed with a jar within an arc above and an arm below, the hollow shaft   ࣛ ზ  cast with six matching panels and set with animal masks suspending loose rings, the neck decorated with a chevron band inlaid with
                                                                                                                                                              copper sheet
           ಂ   ზ         flanked by two long wavy loops and bordered by a classic leiwen scroll                                                ಂ   ᔦ          h. 31.1 cm, w. 31 cm
                         30 cm
               ډ         PROVENANCE                                                                                                                ࠂ          PROVENANCE                                     Ը๕j

               ᔤ         Luen Chai Curios, Hong Kong, 14th July 1988.                                                                              ७          R.H. Ellsworth Ltd, New York, 2nd April 1992.  τܠჃdॲߒd1992ϋ4˜2˚
               ७         EXHIBITED                                                                                                                 ቗          EXHIBITED                                      ࢝ᚎj
                                                                                                                                                              British Museum, London, on loan, 1992-2015.
               ͧ         Ancient Chinese and Ordos Bronzes, Oriental Ceramic Society of                                                            ࠯                                                         ɽߵ௹ي᎜dࡐ౱d࠾࢝d1992-2015ϋ
                         Hong Kong, Hong Kong Museum of Art, Hong Kong, 1990.
               ᎘         British Museum, London, on loan, 1992-2015.                                                                               ᐑ          HK$ 200,000-300,000
                                                                                                                                                              US$ 25,500-38,300
                         LITERATURE                                                                                                                Ѐ
                         Jessica Rawson and Emma C. Bunker, Ancient Chinese and Ordos
                         Bronzes, Hong Kong, 1990, cat. no. 60.                                                                                    ܯ
                         HK$ 20,000-30,000
                         US$ 2,550-3,850

                         A closely related spearhead decorated with an almost identical
                         zoomorphic design, but shorter in size, attributed to the Bashu
                         culture of the Warring States period, is preserved in the Metropolitan
                         Museum of Art, New York, accession no. 1994.605.98.


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