Page 128 - Christie's July 9th 2020 Hong Kong Important Chinese Works of Art
P. 128

         A RARE SANCAI-GLAZED POTTERY                      唐   三彩馬
         ‘NEIGHING’ HORSE                                  來源
         TANG DYNASTY (618-907)                            1998年購於香港
         The chestnut glazed horse is powerfully modelled standing four-
         square on a rectangular base, the head raised and thrusting forward   此三彩馬作翹首長嘯狀,有別於一般垂首的三彩例子,殊為
         with mouth agape as if it is neighing, with a straw-glazed cropped   難得。可比較一件姿態相似的三彩馬,鞍袱施釉,1979 年 4
         mane and docked tail, tacked up with an unglazed saddle and   月 3 日於倫敦蘇富比拍賣,拍品 83 號。另見一件同樣作昂
         trappings with appliques glazed in green and cream.  首狀的唐代彩繪陶馬,2001 年 3 月於紐約展覽於埃斯肯納齊
         19 in. (48.3 cm.) high, 22 in. (55.9 cm.) long    《Tang Ceramic Sculpture》,圖錄圖版 11 號。
         HK$700,000-900,000             US$91,000-120,000  此器經牛津熱釋光測年法檢測(測試編號 C100k56;2000 年
                                                           5 月 8 日),證實與本圖錄之定年符合。
         Acquired in Hong Kong, 1998
         While most sancai-glazed horses are potted with heads tilting down or
         cocked to one side, this horse is highly unusual with its head raised and
         thrusting forward, as if giving out a jolly neigh. Compare to a sancai
         horse in a similar pose, decorated with a green-glazed furry saddlecloth,
         sold at Sotheby’s London, 3 April 1979, lot 83. An unglazed polychrome-
         painted pottery horse, also with head facing up, was exhibited in Tang
         Ceramic Sculpture, Eskenazi, New York, March 2001, no. 11.
         The result of Oxford Authentication thermoluminescence test no.
         C100k56 (8 May 2000) is consistent with the dating of this lot.

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