Page 66 - Bonham's Asian Art London November 12, 2015
P. 66

THE JEANNETTE CLAUDE JONGEN                         I was fortunate that in 1968 I married a man
              COLLECTION OF BUDDHIST ART                          who shared my interest in the arts. His family
                                                                  were picture framers and had been framing
              Lots 70 - 90                                        masterpieces for generations.

              I was born in Brussels, Belgium during the chaotic  When my husband took over the reins of the family
              years of the last World War and was brought         company, we decided to open a gallery in addition
              up on a healthy diet of Tintin and classical and    to keeping our frame manufacturing activity. This
              comptemporary art. My engineer father, son of       gallery, which carried my name showed many
              Belgian composer Joseph Jongen was somewhat         prominent names of contemporary artists but
              of an explorer and mountaineer, climbing remote     as we approached the mid-seventies, an idea
              regions such as Peru and the Himalayas. My          crossed my mind: to exhibit ancient Oriental
              mother preferred spending her time and artistic     art together with comptemporary artists in joint
              passions in her ceramic studio.                     shows. Whether this was an excuse to revisit the
                                                                  regions I had fallen in love with a decade earlier
              Later as a student of political science at the      I do not know, however, in 1974, we travelled to
              University of Brussels, I had the opportunity       Nepal for several months. I became increasingly
              to travel extensively throughout the Middle         passionate about Buddhist art, mostly Chinese
              East - Iran, Iraq, Syria, Turkey and the Indian     Tibetan bronzes and thangkas.
              subcontinent. This was an eye-opener and
              wherever I went, I saw things that piqued my        The exhibitions that took place in my gallery
              interest – paintings here, sculptures there,        following this trip were enormously successful
              ceramics, bronzes. Everything was so                and my fascination with Buddhist and Islamic art
              different from the art I knew back home, yet so     continues to this day.

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