Page 84 - Art Auction December 7 & 8 2019 Lempertz (German Text)
P. 84

155 (part lot)                   156 (part lot)                   157 (part lot)

            155                              156                              157
            Utagawa Kuniyoshi (1797–1861)    Utagawa Kuniyoshi (1797–1861)    Utagawa Kuniyoshi (1797–1861)
            Four ôban. Two from the series Kenjo   Five ôban from the series Ogura nazorae   a) Five chûban from the series Moro-
            reppuden, signed Kuniyoshi ga, publi-   hyakunin isshu, part 1. Present are   koshi nijûshi-kô. Present are numbers
            shed by Ibaya Sensaburô around 1841.   the numbers 2 (Jitô Tennô), 7 (Abe no   3 (So Shin), 5 (Tô Ei), 12 (Kaku Kyô),
            a) Title: Hyakuman. Hyakuman of Nara   Nakamaro), 8 (Kisen Hôshi), 35 (Ki no   13 (Sai Jun) and 20 (Enshi). Signed:
            dancing with a fan. Signed: Kôchôrô   Tsurayuki), 38 (Ukon). Signed: Ichiyûsai   Ichiyûsai Kuniyoshi ga. Seal: yoshikiri.
            Kuniyoshi ga. b) Title: Kusunoki Tei-i   Kuniyoshi ga. Seal: yoshikiri. Various   Publisher: Fushimiya Zenroku. Circa
            Masashige tsuma. The wife of Kusunoki   block carvers. Publisher: Ibaya Senza-  1848. b) Ôban, yoko-e. Series: Nijushi-kô
            Masahige restraining her son, Masatsu-  burô. Censors: Mura, Kinugasa, Mura-  dôji kagami. Title: Kaku kyô. Signed:
            ra, from performing seppuku. Signed:   matsu. 1845–1847. (5) Good to very   Ichiyûsai Kuniyoshi ga. Publisher: Waka-
            Ichiyûsai Kuniyoshi ga. c) Series:    good impressions, good colours, margins   saya Yoichi. 1840s (6) Good to very good
            Hyakunin isshu no uchi. Emperor   mostly rubbed and soiled, one with   impressions and colours, some margins
            Kôekôe with attendants in the snow.    binding holes, some margins trimmed,   rubbed and soiled, some trimmed, one
            Signed: Ichiyûsai Kuniyoshi ga.   repaired missing areas, other damages,   with centre fold, one with stains, one
            Seal: Toshidama. Publisher: Ehiko.   one backed                   backed, b) margins trimmed off, backed
            1840–1842. d) Series: Ogura nazora-
                                             Provenienz                       Provenienz
            je hyakunin isshu. Poem by Tenchi   Provenance: Nos. 2, 7 and 35 with collec-  No. 13 with collector’s seal of S.M. Shiba
            Tennô, Onzôshi Ushiwakamaru. Signed:   tor’s seal of Helmut Wilmes
            Ichiyûsai Kuniyoshi ga.: Seal: kiri. Block                        € 500 – 600
            cutter: Matsushima Fusajirôe. Publisher:   € 700 – 800
            Ibaya Sensaburô. Censor: Muramatsu.
            1845–1848. (4) Fair impressions and
            colours, some damage, some wormholes,
            some partially backed, some trimmed

            € 400 – 600

   79   80   81   82   83   84   85   86   87   88   89