Page 36 - Sotheby's Paris June 12, 2018 Asian Art
P. 36
Large and impressive censers in the shape of auspicious
RARE BRÛLE!PARFUM ET SOCLE EN animals such as this luduan were placed as pairs on each side
BRONZE DORÉ ET ÉMAUX CLOISONNÉS, of the imperial throne to protect and to highlight the ruler’s
LUDUAN elevated position. They formed part of a set of imperial court
assemblages commonly known as ‘the throne group’ and
could include pairs of elephants or cranes, as well as a pair
l’animal fabuleux trapu se tenant droit sur ses quatre pattes of vertical censers which were all usually positioned ß anking
tendues, la gueule ouverte à l’expression féroce montrant des the throne. For examples, see Classics of the Forbidden City.
crocs acérés, ß anquée de deux oreilles coniques, la crinière Imperial Furniture of Ming and Qing Dynasties, Beijing, 2008,
retombant, la queue courbée surmontée d’une tête de ruyi, le pp. 330-335.
corps décoré sur fond bleu foncé de rinceaux chargés de ß eurs It is rare to Þ nd cloisonné luduan censers decorated with
multicolores et de ß ammes stylisées jaillissant de la gueule et
a ß oral design. Compare an example of the same size and
des pattes en de petites mèches ondoyantes, reposant sur un
design, illustrated in Masterpieces of Chinese Enamel Ware in
double socle lotiforme rectangulaire couvert d’un drap à motifs the National Palace Museum, Taipei, 1971, cat. no. 28. A pair
de ß eurettes dans des hexagones aux angles retombant sur of very similar luduan censers in situ in the Yongshou Gong
chaque côté de la base, la bande centrale cintrée appliquée de
(Palace of Eternal Longevity), one of the Six Western Palaces
motifs ß oraux en relief, le couvercle manquant (2)
in the Forbidden City and residence of Imperial consorts, is
47 cm, 18½ in. published in Classics of the Forbidden City. Imperial Furniture
of Ming and Qing Dynasties, Beijing, 2008, pl. 367 (Fig. 1
A rare large gilt-bronze and cloisonné enamel censer in
Caption Classics of the Forbidden City. Imperial Furniture of
the shape of a luduan and stand, Qing Dynasty, Qianlong
Ming and Qing Dynasties, Beijing, 2008, pl. 367).
40 000-60 000 €
381 000-575 000 HK$ 48 600-73 000 US$
৻ඤ ỻകᚂ،ڀ̓७᠏၌ ஹࢭ
Fig. 1 Classics of the Forbidden City. Imperial Furniture of Ming and Qing Dynasties, Beijing, 2008, pl. 367