Page 80 - Sotheby's Paris June 12, 2018 Asian Art
P. 80


                                                             ANCIENNE COLLECTION OTTO FISCHER "1886#1946$
                                                             QI BAISHI "1864#1957$
                                                             encre sur papier, monté en rouleau, signé SAN BAI SHI
                                                             FUWEN, et avec deux cachets de l’artiste
                                                             97 x 22,5 cm, 38⅛ by 8⅞ in.
                                                             This painting by Qi Baishi belonged to Prof. Otto Fischer (1886-
                                                             1946), the director of the Kunstmuseum Basel from 1927-
                                                             1938. Fischer, an art historian who in 1912 wrote his thesis
                                                             on Chinese paintings, discovered the works of Qi Baishi on a
                                                             visit to Beijing in 1926 and was subsequently one of the Þ rst
                                                             to exhibit the artist in Europe. For many years this particular
                                                             painting hung in his o'  ce in the Kunstmuseum, Basel.
                                                             Qi Baishi (1864-1957)
                                                             Reeds, ink on paper, hanging scroll, signed SAN BAI SHI
                                                             FUWEN, and with two seals of the artist
                                                             ಴ 40 000-60 000 €
                                                             381 000-575 000 HK$    48 600-73 000 US$
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                                                             SCEPTRE EN CRISTAL DE ROCHE
                                                             DYNASTIE QING, XIX  SIÈCLE
                                                             la tête sculptée en forme de lingzhi, le manche ondulé et
                                                             orné de petits lingzhi sur toutes les faces, agrémenté d’une
                                                             inscription wan nian ruyi sur le dessus, socle en buis ajouré,
                                                             pompon en soie (3)
                                                             32,3 cm, 12⅜ in. (sceptre)
                                                             33 cm, 13  in. (wood stand)
                                                             A rock-crystal ruyi sceptre, Qing Dynasty, 19th century
                                                             8 000-12 000 €
                                                             76 500-115 000 HK$    9 800-14 600 US$

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