Page 62 - Fine Classical Chinese Paintings SOthebys Hong Kong April 1 2019
P. 62

2556                             PROVENANCE                        宗並探勝概花畫,筆墨精妙具見淵源,洵足
                                            Sotheby’s New York, Fine Classical Chinese   寶也。庚寅(1950)夏月,陳方。鈐印:「陳
           WEN ZHENGMING 1470-1559;         Paintings, 1 JUNE 1992, Lot 12    方之印」
           XIE SHICHEN 1487-1567                                              (陳仁濤)一九五○年六月有申友欲歸,乏
                                            HK$ 600,000-800,000               資,攜此卷求售,余不勝同情…辛卯(1951)
           SCHOLAR IN A LANDSCAPE; TAO QIAN’S   US$ 76,500-102,000
           POEM IN RUNNING SCRIPT                                             五月陳仁濤記。鈐印:「陳氏仁濤」
           ink on paper, handscroll         文徵明;謝時臣                           鑑藏印:
           (Painting) signed Xie Shichen, dated yimao                         (疑莊冏生)「虎」、「天水郡收藏書畫
           (1555) and with four seals of the artist   歸去來兮辭并柴桑清隱圖卷            (唐淮)「綠谿山莊收藏之印」、「秀水
           (Calligraphy) signed Zhengming and with five   水墨紙本 手卷
           seals of the artist                                                唐氏」
           Titleslip by Chen Fang (1897-1962) and with one   署簽:(陳方)明文衡山書歸去來兮辭,謝  (唐作梅)「唐作梅」、「北枝主」、「唐
           seal of his                      時臣畫柴桑清隱圖合卷。鈐印:「荒齋」                作梅印」、「士燮」、「歸來草堂」
           Frontispiece by Wen Jia (1501-1583) and with   引首:(文嘉)林泉清賞,文嘉。鈐印:「  (金黼廷)「金黼廷瘦僊氏收藏」(二鈐)
           two seals of his                 肇錫余以嘉名」、「文修承氏」                    (沈維裕)「沈揖甫藏書畫之印」、「揖甫
           Colophons by Chen Fang, dated gengyin (1950)                       心賞」、「揖甫長物」
           and with one seal of this; and by Chen Rentao   釋文:                (朱省齋)「梁谿朱氏省齋珍藏書畫之印」
           (1906-1968), dated xinmao (1951) and with one   (畫)(謝時臣)年六十九翁(1555)謝時臣試  、「省齋」、「朱省齋書畫記」
           seal of his                      老目白描《柴桑清隱》配文衡山佳染。鈐                (陳仁濤)「仁濤」、「金匱室主」、「金
           with two collector’s seals attributed to Zhuang   印:「思忠」、「樗仙子」、「嘉靖乙卯時  匱寶藏陳氏仁濤」、「金匱寶藏陳仁濤藏」
           Jiongsheng; two collector’s seals of Tang   年六十又月九」、「謝氏思忠」         一印漫漶不辨
           Huai (early 18th century); five collector’s   (書)(文徵明)(行書《歸去來辭》,詩文
           seals of Tang Zuomei (late 18th century); two   略)徵明。鈐印:「文徵明印」、「悟言室  來源
           collector’s seals of Jin Futin (late 18th century);   印」、「衡山」、「徵仲父印」、「停云」  蘇富比紐約,中國古代書畫,1992年6月1
           three collector’s seals of Shen Weiyu (early                       日,拍品編號12
           19th century); three collector’s seals of Zhu   題跋:
           Shengzhai (1902-1970); four collector’s seals of   (陳方)此卷乃衡山翁先書《歸去來辭》,
           Chen Rentao and one illegible seal  謝樗仙後補柴桑清隱圖,兩美璧合,在明
           (Painting) 24.5 by 74.8 cm. 95/8  by 29⅜ in
           (Calligraphy) 25.2 by 120.6 cm. 9⅞ by 47½ in.   文進吳小仙,後接沈文諸賢之雅韻,南北二

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