Page 36 - The Pioneers, November 26, 2016 Hong Kong
P. 36



WU GUANZHONG 吳 冠 中                                                         盧山

(CHINA, 1919-2010)                                                         油彩 木板
                                                                           45.8 x 59.8 cm. (18 x 23 Ω in.)
The Lu Mountains                                                           1974年作
                                                                           款識︰荼74 (右下)
signed in Chinese, dated ‘74' (lower right)
oil on wooden panel                                                        來源
45.8 x 59.8 cm. (18 x 23 Ω in.)                                            1996年4月14日 蘇富比台北 編號62
Painted in 1974                                                            2013年10月5日 蘇富比香港 編號 6
(US$3,300,000-4,100,000)                                                   展覽
                                                                           2 0 0 8 年 10月3 1日至 2 0 0 9 年 1月11日「 瑪 丹 娜 遇 見 毛 澤 東」
PROVENANCE                                                                 德勒斯登國立美術館 德勒斯登 德國
Anon. Sale, Sotheby's Taipei, 14 April 1996, Lot 62
Anon. Sale, Sotheby's Hong Kong, 5 October 2013, Lot 6                     文獻
Acquired by the present owner from the above sale                          2007年 《吳冠中全集 2》 湖南美術出版社 湖南 中國
Dresden, Kunsthalle im Lipsiusbau, Staatliche Kunstsammlungen
Dresden, Germany, Madonna Meets Mao, 31 October 2008 – 11
January 2009.

Hunan Fine Arts Publishing House, The Complete Works of Wu
Guanzhong Vol. II, Hunan, China, 2007 (illustrated, p. 243)

                                                                           I am absolutely not satisfied with just the visually pleasing
                                                                           effects of pure form. I love the conceptions that inform
                                                                           paintings. But these conceptions are connected with formal
                                                                           beauty, and must first be realized in terms of form before
                                                                           they can be expressed. At the heart of my career as an artist
                                                                           is using my painter's eye to discover the conception associated
                                                                           with an image.

                                                                                                        - Wu Guanzhong, 'On Oil Painting, Bitter and Sweet'

                Vincent van Gogh, Flowering Plum Tree (After Hiroshige),
                Painted in 1887, Collection of Van Gogh Museum, Amsterdam
                梵高《開花的李子樹 (仿廣重)》 1887年作 梵高博物館 阿姆斯特丹

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