Page 47 - The Pioneers, November 26, 2016 Hong Kong
P. 47
A Thousand Peaks lift from earth in ranks of green and azure, Ancient pine trees sigh and moan
across their layered slopes.
These winding, convoluted ridges seem wondrous and fantastic, Cascades spurt a thousand meters
dangling from the Milky Way.
- Zhang Daqian
SELF-EXILE TO GLOBAL NOMAD with elegance and a balanced restraint. He built a
strong foundation in his control of the brush and use
By 1965, Zhang Daqian had travelled much of the of colours, culminating to a two and a half year study
world covering South America, Europe and Asia of the caves at Dunhuang from 1940-1942 (Fig. 1).
before he chose to make Carmel, California his home From this experience, he was able to extract, digest,
for several years to follow. His paintings completed and personalize the essence of the scholar tradition,
in this year portray a multitude of subjects, from and move in a new direction, inspired by the extremely
the snowstorms of the Swiss Alps to the remote colourful and meticulously painted cave drawings
settlements of Brazil, but it is likely this work was from the Sui (581-618) and Tang (618-907) dynasties
inspired by nostalgia and sentiment. Perhaps yearning which he religiously copied. Here, Zhang cemented
to recall memories of life in Asia, the artist sought his craft in meticulous drawing and developed a
comfort in painting a vivid depiction of towering sensitivity to the use of colours in his work (Fig. 2).
mountains with a cluster of Chinese homes nestled
amongst its high precipices accessible only by a Zhang's second period of artistic development
winding road precariously hugging the mountain edge. happened post-1957, as he started experimenting in
the splashed-ink style. His use of colours became more
EARLY DISCIPLINE IN CHINESE CLASSICAL fabulous and diverse, exuding an air of magnificence
ART TO THE DEVELOPMENT OF SPLASHED- and monumentality in his landscape creations. This
INK PAINTINGS technique of “accumulating ink and colour” were
in part derived from the Tang dynasty model of
Zhang Daqian's early training provided him with a splashing ink on silk and spreading them into shapes.
strong grounding in Chinese Classical art - having spent Particularly, Zhang focused on the ancient method
his 20's perfecting the style of old masters, he took of splashed-ink, boneless (mogu) works (Fig. 3).
great delight in challenging his peers to differentiate
between the original and his copy. During this time, The years from 1965 to 1969 marked the apex of
Zhang engaged himself in the study and understanding Zhang's artistic career. Undoubtedly, his exposure
of classical traditions, submerging himself in the works to different cultures and artistic styles over the
of Bada Shanren and Shitao, and creating works filled course of his travels greatly inspired and influenced
Fig. 5 Zhang Daqian admiring the views at his South Fig. 3 Zhang Daqian (1899-1983), Majestic Peaks, Fine Chinese Modern
American residence, Garden of Eight Virtues
圖 5 張大千在南美寓所八德園中欣賞風景 Paintings , 1 December 2015, Lot 1343, Sold for HKD2,680,000
圖 3 張大千,《碧峰橫嶺》,香港佳士得,中國近現代畫,2015年12月1日,
< Lot 2505 Detail 局部 > 編 號 13 4 3,成 交 價:港 幣 2 , 6 8 0 , 0 0 0