Page 14 - 2019 September 13th Christie's New York Important Chinese Works of Art
P. 14

                                 A GROUP OF TWELVE BRONZE WEAPONS AND IMPLEMENTS
                                 LATE SHANG-WESTERN HAN DYNASTY, 13TH CENTURY BC-AD 8
                                 The group includes a bronze bow-shaped ftting with jingles, late Shang dynasty; three
                                 bronze halberd blades, the one with tubular socket to the tang cast with a clan sign, late
                                 Shang dynasty; two bronze halberd blades and one sword, Eastern Zhou dynasty; and
                                 fve bronze garment hooks, Western Han dynasty.
                                 Largest 20 in. (55.9 cm.) long, Japanese tiered wood box

                                 Hachiuma Collection, Japan, formed prior to World War II.
                                 商晚期/西漢   青銅兵器及配件一組十二件

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