Page 123 - Christies Alsdorf Collection Part 1 Sept 24 2020 NYC
P. 123

The faceted shape and long, slender neck may derive from faceted Yue ware vases   此形制或仿唐代越窯。陝西扶風以及浙江省上林湖越窯遺址
            from the Tang dynasty (AD 618-907). Two examples of faceted hexagonal Yue ware   曾各出土一件唐代八棱淨水瓶,詳見林士民著《青瓷與越
            vases, also with slender necks, one from Fufeng County in Shan'xi province, dated   窯》,上海,1999年,編號68及69。上述兩瓶均無耳。
            to AD 874, and the other, excavated from the Tang dynasty Shanglinhu kiln site in
            Zhejiang province, are illustrated by Lin Shimin, Celadon and Yue Kilns, Shanghai,   同類雍正款六方長頸瓶,可參見紐約佳士得,2012年3月23
            1999, nos. 68 and 69 respectively. Both vases lack the shaped handles found on the   日,拍品編號2102。胡惠春家族亦舊藏一雍正款仿汝釉瓶,
            present vase.                                                      形制酷似本拍品,尺寸亦同,於紐約蘇富比拍賣,1985年6月
            A vase of similar shape, also with a Yongzheng mark, was sold at Christie’s New York,
            23 March 2012, lot 2102. Compare, also, the Yongzheng-marked Ru-type vase of very   望星樓亦藏一例,造型相仿,尺寸略小(25公分),施粉青
            similar shape and of approximately the same size, from the J. M. Hu Family Collection,   釉,帶乾隆早期罕見年款,收錄於《清代康雍乾官窯瓷器》
            offered at Sotheby's, New York, 4 June 1985, lot 56.               ,香港,2003年,頁186-87,編號69。

            A slightly smaller vase (9√ in.) of similar shape, but with a celadon glaze and an
            unusual early Qianlong seal mark, in the Wang-Xing Lou Collection, is illustrated in
            Imperial Perfection: The Palace Porcelain of Three Chinese Emperors, Hong Kong, 2003,
            pp. 186-87, no. 69.

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