Page 133 - Christies Alsdorf Collection Part 1 Sept 24 2020 NYC
P. 133

This rare and beautiful brush washer with Ru-type glaze is one of the most    本品釉色瑩潤,造型典雅,乃乾隆仿古御瓷曠世佳作,洵屬
            refined examples of Qianlong archaism. Northern Song Ru wares were greatly prized   可貴。清代皇帝對北宋汝窯雅器趨之若鶩,故命景德鎮御窯
            by the Qing emperors, who had them imitated by the potters at the imperial kilns   匠爭相仿效。此筆洗遵從北宋汝窯規格,不僅在形制及釉色
            at Jingdezhen. In this case, the potters have made every effort to faithfully reproduce   上盡得其髓,連同燒造過程也相當貫轍。筆洗通體施釉,環
            not only the form and glaze of the original Northern Song Ru ware, but also aspects   罩足底,遺留一圈支釘痕,與北宋汝瓷如出一轍。北宋汝窯
            of its manufacture, which is apparent in the way the Qianlong washer has been fired.   力臻完美,瓷胚連底部皆一拼掛釉,採支燒技法入窯,成器
            The foot and base are fully glazed and the vessel has been fired standing on tiny spurs,   後皿底留下細小支釘痕,遂成一大特色。
            which have left small neat marks on the base. Firing on small spurs was one of the
            characteristics of Northern Song Ru wares.                         台北故宮博物院藏一稀世北宋汝窯洗,形似本品,尺寸略大
            This Qianlong washer relates closely in form to a slightly larger (15.9 cm. diam.)
                                                                               青瓷特展》,2016年,頁,37—39 ,編號I-7。北宋汝瓷底
            Northern Song Ru ware vessel in the collection of the National Palace Museum,
            Taipei, illustrated in Precious as the Morning Star: 12th-14th Century Celadons in the Qing
            Court Collection, Taipei, 2016, pp. 37-39, no. I-7. The Northern Song vessel has a flat
            base with no foot ring, and was fired on only five spurs, whereas the Qing-dynasty
            potters were not prepared to take such great risks as their Song counterparts, and used
            seven spurs to reduce the possibility of warping.
            There is an additional feature on the exterior of the Qianlong vessel that does not   追溯至古代青銅器。倫敦大維德爵士基金會藏一汝窯三足
            appear on the Taiwan Northern Song washer. A fine ‘bow-string’ line has been applied   奩,直壁外繞多圈弦紋,正是取材自青銅器造型紋樣,詳見
            to the exterior. It is quite possible that such ‘bow-string’ lines did appear on other    汪慶正等著,《汝窰的發現》,香港,1991年,頁59,圖版
            Song Ru ware washers that have not been preserved. These lines were often added to   59。
            Song Ru and Guan ware vessels that were made in forms taken from ancient bronzes.
            The raised lines represented the surface decoration on the original bronze. Such    隨著北宋在公元1127年滅亡,汝窯亦終告停運,然而質樸自
            ‘bow-string’ lines can be seen, for example, on the Ru ware lian censer in the Percival   然、清雅雋永的汝瓷美學卻歷久不衰。杭州老虎洞窯及郊壇
            David Foundation illustrated by Wang Qingzheng et al., in The Discovery of Ru Kiln -    下窯曾出土形色同源的南宋官窯瓷器,足證後者承襲前朝製
            A Famous Song-ware Kiln of China, Hong Kong, 1991, p. 59, pl. 59.   瓷道統。傳世三件官窯洗,形式與本品相若,同採支釘法燒
            Although production at the Ru kilns ended with the fall of the Northern Song dynasty
                                                                               至14世紀青瓷特展》,2016年,頁90—95 及106—107,編號
            in 1127, vessels of elegant, simple form covered with delicate bluish glazes continued
                                                                               II—11 II—12及II—18。
            in popularity. Related Guan ware washers have been excavated at the Laohudong and
            Jiaotanxia kiln sites in Hangzhou, Zhejiang province, which attests to the continued
            production of this type into the Southern Song dynasty. See, in addition, three Guan
            ware washers, of similar form and fired on spurs, but with a more pronounced crackle
            in the glaze, illustrated in Precious as the Morning Star: 12th-14th Century Celadons in the
            Qing Court Collection, op. cit., pp. 90-95 and 106-107, nos. II-11, II-12, and II-18.
            In the fifteenth century potters at the imperial kilns at Jingdezhen were charged with
            the task of reproducing the soft bluish glazes on porcelain. In 1984, an alms bowl with
            Ru-type glaze was excavated from the Xuande strata at the imperial kilns: see Imperial   院,1981年,雍正例見頁129—31,編號77—79;乾隆例見頁
            Porcelain of the Yongle and Xuande Periods Excavated from the Site of the Ming Imperial   143—5,編號87及88。
            Factory at Jingdezhen, Urban Council, Hong Kong, 1989, pp. 276-7, no. 97.
                                                                               胡惠春先生舊藏一乾隆款仿汝釉洗,尺寸略大(直徑6 3/8
            Both the Yongzheng and the Qianlong Emperors commanded porcelains to be made   吋),於紐約佳士得拍賣,2005年9月20日,拍品編號291。
            with Ru-type glazes. Several examples from the Yongzheng reign have been preserved   另可參考一例,外飾一周鼓釘紋,收錄於汪慶正著,《宮廷
            in the National Palace Museum, Taipei: see Catalogue of A Special Exhibition of Ch’ing-  珍藏:中國清代官窯瓷器》,上海,2003年,頁333。乾隆
            Dynasty Monochrome Porcelains in the National Palace Museum, Taipei, 1981, pp. 129-31,   年代御製仿汝釉瓷林林總總,其他制式可參考北京故宮博物
            nos. 77-79. The National Palace Museum also has preserved in its collection porcelains   院院藏諸例,詳見《故宮博物院藏文物珍品全集—37—顏色
            from the Qianlong reign with Ru-type glazes: see ibid., pp. 143-5, nos. 87 and 88.   釉》,1999年,頁236—39,編號214—7。
            A similar but slightly larger (6¡ in. diam.) Qianlong-marked Ru-type washer, formerly
            in the collection of J. M. Hu, was sold at Christie’s New York, 20 September 2005, lot
            291. Another Qianlong-marked Ru-type washer, but with drum-nail bosses below the
            rim rather than a bow-string band, is illustrated by Wang Qingzheng, Treasures in the
            Royalty, The Official Kiln Porcelain of the Chinese Qing Dynasty, Shanghai, 2003, p. 333.
            For other Qianlong porcelains of various forms with Ru-type glazes preserved in the
            collection of the Palace Museum, Beijing, see The Complete Collection of Treasures of the
            Palace Museum - 37 - Monochrome Porcelain, Hong Kong, 1999, pp. 236-39, nos. 214-7.

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