Page 22 - Christies Alsdorf Collection Part 1 Sept 24 2020 NYC
P. 22

崇聖御寶  - 詹姆斯及瑪麗蓮 ·阿爾斯多夫珍藏


            A RARE BRONZE FIGURE OF GANESHA                                    尼泊爾   十四世紀   銅象頭神坐像
            NEPAL, 14TH CENTURY                                                象頭神單膝盤坐,呈王者坐姿,一手持斷牙,一手握歡喜
            Seated in maharajalilasana holding a mala, his broken tusk, and a bowl of sweets, from   團,身軀圓潤,上身袒裼,繫掛繒帶,腕配蛇形臂釧,頭戴
            which he snacks with his trunk, the corpulent body adorned with a sacred thread and   寶冠,珠玉琳琅,盤梳華髻,卷髮散垂。
            naga-form armlets, the elephant's head surmounted by a foliate tiara, with the hair
            gathered in a flat chignon with locks escaping over the shoulders
            7Ω in. (19.1 cm.) high                                             1981年。
            $40,000-60,000                                                     展覽:
                                                                               圖藝術博物館;洛杉磯郡立藝術博物館《Manifestations of
            The James and Marilynn Alsdorf Collection, Chicago, acquired prior to 1981.
            EXHIBITED:                                                         芝加哥藝術博物館《A Collecting Odyssey-Indian, Himalayan,
            Philadelphia Museum of Art; Fort Worth, Kimbell Art Museum; Seattle Art Museum;   and Southeast Asian Art from the James and Marilynn Alsdorf
            Los Angeles County Museum of Art, “Manifestations of Shiva,” 29 March 1981-   Collection》1997年8月2日—10月26日,展覽圖錄編號65。
            30 May 1982, cat. no. 118.
            The Art Institute of Chicago, “A Collecting Odyssey: Indian, Himalayan, and Southeast
                                                                               S. Kramrisch,《Manifestations of Shiva》,費城,1981年,
            Asian Art from the James and Marilynn Alsdorf Collection,” 2 August-26 October 1997,
                                                                               頁144, 圖錄編號118。
            cat. no. 65.
                                                                               華盛頓郵報, 《India’s Many-Splendored God》 1981年3月
            S. Kramrisch, Manifestations of Shiva, Philadelphia, 1981, p. 144, cat. no. 118.
                                                                               J. Bowles,《Orientations》,卷12,編號7,1981年7月
            The Washington Post, “India’s Many-Splendored God,” 29 March 1981.
            J. Bowles, “Manifestations of Shiva,” Orientations, vol. 12, no. 7, July 1981, p. 21, fig. 15.
                                                                               I. Alsop,《Orientations》,1997年7/8月,封面及頁51,
            I. Alsop, “The Alsdorf Collection: Highlights from the Himalayas,” Orientations, July/
            August 1997, illus. cover, p. 51, fig. 1.
                                                                               P. Pal,《A Collecting Odyssey》,芝加哥,1997年,頁56及
            P. Pal, A Collecting Odyssey: Indian, Himalayan, and Southeast Asian Art from the James and
            Marilynn Alsdorf Collection, Chicago, 1997, pp. 56 and 286, cat. no. 65.  268,圖錄編號65。

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