Page 44 - Christies Alsdorf Collection Part 1 Sept 24 2020 NYC
P. 44
崇聖御寶 - 詹姆斯及瑪麗蓮 ·阿爾斯多夫珍藏
Barbara Stoler Miller Professor of Indian and South Asian Art, Columbia University 哥倫比亞大學Barbara Stoler Miller印度及南亞藝術教授
Some of the most exhilarating sculptures in India were created during a period 讓人目眩神馳的上乘印度雕像之中,部份來自注輦王朝統治
of four and a half centuries when the Chola kings were in power in Tamil Nadu 泰米爾納德期間,其年代橫跨約四個半世紀 (約公元855至
(ca 855-1280). These bronze sculptures of gods - sensuous images of sacred import - 1280年)。這批青銅神像體態曼妙、莊嚴神聖,古時更是每
participated in temple rituals on a daily, weekly, monthly, and annual basis. Carried 日、每週、每月甚或年度廟祭中不可或缺的環節。祭司和地
by priests and especially favored devotees, Shiva, accompanied by his consort Uma, 位尊顯的信徒,每天都要奉持濕婆神 (伴以其妃雪山神女) 在
inspected the temple premises every day; each Friday evening, together with Uma, he 廟內各處巡遊一遍;每逢週五傍晚,更有奉濕婆神與雪山神
enjoyed a ceremonial swing along the temple tank; each month they celebrated the
new moon day with an especial ritual observance. An inscription tells us that fifty-four
活動。據一題銘所述,每年共有節慶日 (即慶祝聖日的宗教
days in a year were festival days – holy-days that were holidays – all centered on sacred
節日) 四十五天,所有活動皆以青銅聖像巡遊作為亮點。平
processional bronzes. A medium-sized temple required, on average, around twelve
bronzes to fulfill its ritual requirements; a well-endowed temple housed some twenty-
five bronzes; and a royal temple, of which there were not too many, possessed in the
neighborhood of sixty bronzes. The concentrated nature of this sacred activity may be
gathered from the fact that as many as 311 temples were built in just the three districts 注輦王朝 (高韋里河下游流域) 京畿要地的納加帕蒂南、坦賈
of Nagapattinam, Tanjavur and Trichy that form the heart of the Chola kingdom along 武爾與蒂魯吉三地,其寺廟數目已多達311家,所以此類宗教
the lower reaches of the Kaveri river. 活動之頻繁可謂意料之事。
Imagine the excitement of participating in one of three festivals that took place outside 遙想當年,若能參與神廟之外舉行的三大慶典,與會者的心
the temple premises, culminating at the ocean or riverbank, in a coconut grove or, 情該是何等歡欣雀躍,這類儀式的重頭戲通常在海濱或河畔
occasionally, at a neighboring shrine. Two of these festivals lasted for three days while 的椰林進行,偶爾也會在附近的聖殿告結。其中兩者長達三
one was celebrated for an entire ten days and to prepare, worshippers bought new 天,另一個慶祝活動更長達十天,信眾為此特地備置新衣,
clothes, donned their finest necklace and earrings, and adorned their hair with strings of 佩戴最貴重的項鏈耳環,頭飾清香的茉莉花串。神廟之中,
fragrant jasmine. At the temple, crowds gathered to catch a glimpse of Shiva and Uma 群眾蜂擁而至,瞻仰盛裝亮相的濕婆神和雪山神女,兩者渾
in all their finery - gorgeous silks, gem-studded gold jewelry, and flower garlands. They
would try to touch the feet of the bronze images of Shiva and Uma, inhaling the scent
of incense sticks and camphor, and listening to the vibrant sound of drums and pipes.
And they looked forward to participating in the feast of food prepared in the temple
kitchens for the gods and then shared with the devotees. The bronze around which each
festival revolved was specific to the event being commemorated. The anniversary of the
marriage of Shiva and Uma would focus on a bronze depicting Shiva reaching out to
take Uma’s hand in marriage. If the festival was to celebrate Shiva with the bull, viewers 女之手的場景。若節慶主題是濕婆神與神牛,觀眾便會着眼
would admire the grace with which Shiva raised one elbow to rest it on the hump of 於濕婆神支肘於牛背之上的優美造型。因此,每尊銅像俱蘊
the bull. Each bronze carried its own individual emotional and aesthetic charge. 藏了特定的情感與美學意涵。