P. 127


         mazu family of the  Satsuma domain in  Now  that I have at last had Odawara tightly  down. At a later date the letter was cut in
         Kyushu, and the  Later Hôjô family, who  besieged, I control eighty percent of  what  half along the crease and rejoined so that
         controlled the Kanto from their garrison  goes on in the provinces, and even sum-  both parts are right side up.  YK
         town of Odawara. After these tremendous  moned peasants so that they would follow
         victories, he subjugated the other daimyo  my strict orders. Since  Odawara is the  key to  63  Letter
         without a fight, thus achieving national  the Kanto and to the entire nation, I have to  Tokugawa leyasu (1543-1616)
         unification and laying the  foundation for  starve them out, so it will have to take time.
         Japan's early modern  society.     However, as for  myself,  I will return to  hanging scroll; ink on paper
             This personal letter, written in a  Kyoto  before  the  year is over, partly  to in-  3O.2 X 51.5 (ll7/8 X 20 /4)
         loose, informal cursive (sdsho)  by Hide-  quire after  you  and  the  young prince, so  I  Edo period, 1615
         yoshi, is dated to the  first day of the  fifth  will see you. Please feel  at ease. Farewell.  Tokyo National Museum
         month  of 1590, during Hideyoshi's siege of  First day of  the  fifth  month.  Important Art  Object
         Odawara Castle, the headquarters of Hôjô
         Ujimasa  (1538-1590) and  his son  Ujinao  "Dainanko," a dialectical variant of daina-  After the  death  of the  military leader To-
         (1562-1591), the leaders in the  east. Ad-  gon (Grand Councilor), refers to Hidenaga,  yotomi Hideyoshi (1537-1598), Tokugawa
         dressing his mother, Tenzuiin (referred to  Hideyoshi's half brother. Hidenaga was ill  leyasu and his allies defeated  a great coali-
         in the letter by her title Omandokoro, or  in Kyoto that spring but  seems to have re-  tion of daimyo led by Ishida Mitsunari
         mother  of the  Sesshd (regent, that is Hide-  gained his health and returned  to his cas-  (1560-1600) at Sekigahara in  1600 (cat. 104),
         yoshi's mother), Hideyoshi inquires after  tle at Yamashiro in Yamato Province (part  and in 1603 he was appointed  by the em-
         her health and reports the military  of present-day Nara Prefecture).  The  first  peror Seiitaishdgun  (Great  General  Who
                                            "young prince" refers to Hideyoshi's
         situation:                                                             Quells the  Barbarians), thus formally es-
                                            son, Toyotomi Sutemaru (cat. 51), who was  tablishing the Edo shogunate.  Passing on
         Please, please do not  worry about me.  I  am  born in the  fifth  month  of the previous  the charge of the shogunate to his son, Hi-
         very  healthy and  am  fed  well, so I would  year. In this one letter two sides of Hidey-  detada (1579-1632), in  1605, Tokugawa
         like you  to feel  at ease. I beg you  to take a  oshi's character  are revealed: the inexora-  leyasu came to be called Ogosho, an hon-
         trip  and divert yourself  so you  will  feel  ble conquerer, and the affectionate son.  orable title for a former shogun or sho-
         young. Also, more than anything  else I am  The  paper was originally folded in  gun's father. He destroyed Toyotomi
         happy  to hear that Dainanko is healthy.  half along the crease that runs across it.  Hideyori (1593-1615), the  son of Hideyoshi,
         Please tell him  to concentrate on his health  The  letter was begun  with the  fold under-  in the battles at Osaka in the  winter of
         all the more.                      neath, then the paper was flipped to con-  1614 and  the  summer of  1615, and  laid  the
             I am  delighted to hear from  you again  tinue the text on the other  side, the  fold  foundations for the  two hundred  and  fifty
         and again. Please do not  worry about  me.  still at the bottom; when the paper was un-  years of the  Edo shogunate.
                                             folded, one side of the letter  was upside

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