P. 305


                                             227  Bridal  trousseau             On  the  first  shelf is a set of utensils for  the
                                                 maki-e, red and black lacquer on  incense game (cats. 233, 234) and  on  the
                                                 wood; gilt copper,  silver and nickel  bottom  shelf is a suzuribako (writing uten-
                                                 zushidana  75.8 x 101.9 x 39.7 (293/4 x  sil box; cats. 224, 225, 226). A clothes rack
                                                 40 Vs x  155/3)                 and wash basin are displayed in front. Set
                                                 kurodana  71.2 x 77.5 x 38.4 (28 x 30^2 x  out before the  kurodana are a kushidai
                                                 15^/8)                         (comb stand), and to the  left, a set of oha-
                                                 shodana  103.9  x loo -°  44-° (407/8 x  guro equipment for blackening the teeth
                                                 393/8 x 173/8)                  (cats. 229, 230); the  distinctive red-
                                                 Edo period, i9th century        cornered box on the  kurodana contains
                                                                                 cosmetic paraphernalia. The shodana
                                                 Hôfu  Môri Hôkôkai,             holds articles related to reading and writ-
                                                 Yamaguchi  Prefecture           ing; in front is a cast nickel mirror on its
                                                                                 folding holder, with the  storage box to the
                                             The  Edo-period daimyo bride brought to  right.
                                             her new home  an elaborate set of house-  This set was used by the daughter of
                                             hold furnishings reflecting the power and  Narihiro (1783-1836),  the  tenth-genera-
                                             prestige of the daimyo family. The  con-  tion Mori daimyo of the  Hagi domain in
                                             tents of the trousseau were established by  present-day Yamaguchi Prefecture,  when
                                             the early Edo period. A typical trousseau
                                                                                 she married into the Mori branch
                                             centered  around three sets of shelves, the  Tokuyama. The many constituent  family of
                                             zushidana (right), the  kurodana (black  are decorated  with a plum blossom floral
                                             shelves) (center), and the  shodana (book  scroll and latticework design, and the wa-
                                             shelves) (left). Included  are most of  the  ter plantain mon, a family crest used by
                                             things required for personal use, such as,  the Mori. These motifs are executed in
                                             on top of the zushidana, a large box con-  gold and  silver hiramaki-e (level maki-e) lac-
                                             taining smaller boxes of cosmetic  items.  quer. The arabesque  plum blossom  design
                                                                                 is executed  in alternating hiramaki-e and
                                                                                 enashiji,  in which designs are  depicted
                                                                                 with nashiji  (pear-skin ground). The fit-
                                                                                 tings are gilt copper, engraved with the wa-
                                                                                 ter plantain mon  and  a floral scroll.  SN

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