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                                             202  Ddbuku                         era, it was also used for civilian clothing.
                                                 appliqué and stencil dyeing on leather
                                                1.89.0(35)                       The leather  was stretched  taut over a slow
                                                                                 fire of such materials as straw or pine nee-
                                                 W.  141.0  (55 /z)             dles; typically, straw produces  a brown
                                                 Muromachi period, loth century  color, as in this ddbuku, and pine  needles
                                                                                 gray. The longer the smoking period, the
                                                 Ueda Municipal  Museum,
                                                                                 darker the shade that resulted, and the
                                                 Nagano Prefecture              background pattern  of this ddbuku was
                                                 Important  Cultural  Property
                                                                                created  by smoking the darker areas longer
                                             The  dobuku was a short jacket worn by  than the lighter. This technique  employed
                                             high-ranking samurai from  the late Muro-  a stenciled resist. The  whole piece of
                                             machi to early Edo periods. This leather  leather would be smoked till the lighter of
                                             example, with seven white leather paulow-  the desired  shades had been  achieved.
                                             nia crests appliquéd to the front and back,  Then a stencil of the intended  pattern,
                                             is said to have been given in  1568 by  Oda  with cutouts  wherever the lighter  color
                                             Nobunaga (1534-1582) to Matsudaira Nobu-  was required, would be laid over  the
                                             kazu (1539-1624), founder of the Matsu-  leather and a resist material such as wax or
                                             daira family of the  castle town Ueda in  gum applied through  the cutouts. This re-
                                             Shinano Province (present-day Nagano  sist material prevented further darkening
                                             Prefecture).                       of the leather beneath it. The smoking
                                                 Leather with color or designs added  process would then be continued  until the
                                             by dye or smoke was often used on arms  darker shade had been reached on the un-
                                             and armor from the Heian through  the  resisted parts of the leather. Finally the
                                             Muromachi  periods; in the  early modern  leather would be removed  from the  smoke
                                                                                and the  resist material picked off, reveal-

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