Page 33 - Catalogue Southeast Asian Ceramics
P. 33
Southeast Asian Ceramics New Light on Old Pottery
this page (from top):
Bowl, celadon
Si Satchanalai
15 th C
D: 8.5 cm
NUS Museum S2003-0022-015-0
Thick crackled green celadon glaze pooling in centre;
unglazed foot.
Bowl, celadon
Si Satchanalai
15 th C
D: 12.5 cm
NUS Museum S2003-0022-016-0
With three incised horizontal bands around interior rim, a
fluted exterior and a sea-green glaze pooling near base.
Mid 15 th C
D: 35 cm
NUS Museum S2003-0022-001-0
Everted rim.
Bowl, celadon
Si Satchanalai
15 th C
D: 23 cm
NUS Museum S2003-0022-012-0
Similar to dish on page 62 of this catalogue but without
foliate rim and with a dark green glaze and five spur marks.
Nanhai Wreck