Page 12 - 2019 October Qing Imperial Porcelain Sotheby's Hong Kong
P. 12


           A FINE AND RARE MOULDED CELADON-          清雍正   豆青釉蓮瓣紋三繫花囊
           SEAL MARK AND PERIOD OF YONGZHENG                《大清雍正年製》款
           with a bulbous body rising from a short splayed foot to the
           waisted neck and flared mouth, the upper shoulder bordered
           with three loop handles, the lower body with two raised
           fillets, above a crisply moulded band of overlapping lotus
           petals, covered overall save for the unglazed footring with
           an even bluish-green glaze, the base inscribed in underglaze
           blue with a six-character seal mark
           w. 18.1 cm, 7⅛ in.
           HK$ 1,000,000-1,500,000
           US$ 128,000-192,000

           Of all the monochrome porcelains created under the   雍正年間,景德鎮御窰廠成就登峰造極,成品卓越,
           highly exacting standards of supervision at the imperial   宏觀單色釉瓷中,青釉瓷器當屬至臻之列。本品造形
           kilns of Jingdezhen in the Yongzheng period, celadon-  高雅,釉色瑩潤,比例大方,尤為悅目。當時年希堯
           glazed wares are among the most exquisite. The present   及唐英先後擔任御窰廠督陶官,二人掌管有方,恪盡
           piece is particularly elegant and well-balanced in its shape   職守以投聖意,其手下設計的瓷器充分反映雍正帝的
           and brilliant in its glaze. Porcelain wares made under the
           supervision of Nian Xiyao and Tang Ying, superintendents   個人喜好及品質要求。雍正帝對瓷器簡潔典雅之造型
           at Jingdezhen during the Yongzheng reign, were designed   及技臻完美的追求,藉由本品可見一斑。
           according to the Emperor’s personal taste and requirements.
           This piece reflects the Yongzheng Emperor’s interest in   本品器形曲線飽滿,典雅俊美,尤為難得,北京故
           simplicity of shape and design and perfection of quality.  宮博物院藏一近例,錄於《故宮博物院藏文物珍品
           It is extremely rare to find a piece of this pleasing shape,   全集.顏色釉》,香港,1999年,圖版131。同可
           although one companion piece is in the Palace Museum,   參考一例,器形相若,尺寸稍小,釉色泛青,載於
           Beijing, illustrated in The Complete Collection of Treasures   史彬士,《中國歷代陶瓷選集》,鴻禧美術館,台
           of the Palace Museum. Monochrome Porcelain. Hong Kong,   北,1990年,圖版131及《香港蘇富比二十年》,香
           1999, pl. 131. Compare also a vase of identical form and   港,1993年,圖版319。該瓶曾兩度售於香港蘇富
           decoration, slightly smaller than the current example and   比,1979年5月21日,編號120及2005年5月2日,編號
           with a more bluish-green glaze, illustrated in James Spencer   514。
           (comp.), Selected Chinese Ceramics from Han to Qing
           Dynasties, Chang Foundation, Taipei, 1990, cat. no. 131, and
           Sotheby’s Hong Kong – Twenty  Years, 1973-1993, Hong
           Kong, 1993, pl. 319, originally sold in these rooms, 21st May
           1979, lot 120, and more recently 2nd May 2005, lot 514.


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