Page 88 - 2019 October Qing Imperial Porcelain Sotheby's Hong Kong
P. 88

Lime-green is among the rarest enamel colours used in the   青綠,或為雍正窰單色釉瓷中最罕者,其器形、色澤
           Yongzheng period and monochrome vessels of this type,   看似簡單,實則殊艱,要求每道工藝恰到好處。
           deceptively simple in form and colour, represent one of
           the most technically challenging porcelains to be produced   比較 Hon. Mountstuart William Elphinstone 舊藏三例,
           as it required the utmost precision in every stage of their   均存倫敦大英博物館大維德基金會,其中一盃出版
           production.                               於 Margaret Medley,《Illustrated Catalogue of Ming and
           Compare three very similar examples from the collection of   Ch’ing Monochrome in the Percival David Foundation of
           Hon. Mountstuart William Elphinstone, now in the Sir Percival   Chinese Art》,倫敦,1973年,編號B526,另外兩器
           David Collection in the British Museum, London, the first   成對,尺寸較大,底署雙圈年款,圖見博物館官方網
           published in Margaret Medley, Illustrated Catalogue of Ming   站,編號B.524 與525,前者出版於蘇玫瑰,《Percival
           and Ch’ing Monochrome in the Percival David Foundation   David Foundation of Chinese Art》,倫敦,1989年,圖
           of Chinese Art, London, 1973, cat. no. B526; and a slightly   版97下方右二。本場拍賣另有一青綠盃,壁略深,見
           larger pair, with the reign marks inscribed within double
           circles, published on the Museum’s website, accession nos   拍品編號3105。
           PDF, B.524 and 525, the former illustrated in Rosemary E.   雍正年間,同採此弧壁半球形之盃,有施各式彩釉
           Scott, Percival David Foundation of Chinese Art, London,
           1989, pl. 97 bottom, second from right. Compare another   者,包括檸檬黃、胭脂紅、松石綠。參考玫茵堂舊藏
           lime-green enamelled cup, potted with deeper sides, offered   二盃,底均署單圈款,胭脂紅與松石綠各一,前者內
           in this sale, lot 3105.                   飾瑞果,售於香港蘇富比2012年4月4日,編號1與2。
           Cups of this charming hemispherical form were also covered
           in various enamels in the Yongzheng period, including
           lemon-yellow, rose-pink, and even turquoise. See two related
           examples with the reign marks similarly inscribed within
           single circles; the first vibrantly covered on the exterior
           in a pink enamel and decorated on the interior with fruits;
           the second enamelled turquoise-blue on the exterior,
           respectively sold in these rooms, 4th April 2012, lots 1 and 2,
           from the Meiyintang collection.

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