Page 43 - Lieber Collection Chinese Art
P. 43
FIG. 1
The drawing room of Fonthill House,
19th June, 1888. By permission of Historic
England Archive
⚔❴ᢵ‷: Historic England Archive
th th
rooms, 4 November 1969, lot 182, and again in these rooms, 29 ںजࣰ㔰ڣЃᅧᄥⰥ䓾҉Ҹ喑㎗删ܝ㟞ࡶృ喑
March 2011, lot 2; and a pair depicting ladies on a terrace playing a
game of go, that pair was also formerly in the collection of Alfred
Maria Antonia Pinto de Matos,ȨPorcelana Chine-
Morrison at Fonthill House, and was sold at Christie’s, London, 18
October, 1971, lot 30, and then in our Paris rooms, 27 June, 2001, sa/Chinese Porcelainȩ喑䛹᱙, 2003Ꭱ喑ృ❵
lot 316. 58喠ओ㺸̭ᄺ喑ᆙEdmund de Rothschild, Esq.
Comparable vases of this size with elaborately decorated borders, but T.D㜷㫼喑ږᏓਜ਼᪓Ҡธᓄ喑ٵᒹ◧1975Ꭱ
painted with phoenixes amongst flowers, include a pair in the Museu
Calouste Gulbenkian, Lisbon, illustrated in Maria Antonia Pinto de
ں㺸̭⨣Ҹ喑ܧ㜗Hon. Mrs. Ronal Greville ᩣ
Matos, Porcelana Chinesa/Chinese Porcelain, Lisbon, 2003, pl. 58;
a pair, from the collection of Edmund de Rothschild, Esq. T.D., sold 㫼喑䐶 G. C. Williamson,ȨThe Book of Famille
th th
twice at Christie’s London, 28 July 1975, lot 181, and again, 10 Roseȩ喑᪓喑1927Ꭱ喑ృ❵LVII喍ጓ喎ȡओ㺸
June 1996, lot 135; and a single vase, from the collection of the Hon.
Mrs. Ronal Greville, published in G.C. Williamson, The Book of
Famille Rose, London, 1927, pl. LVII (left). ㌕㮌70ȡ
The terms ‘soldier’ or ‘dragoon’ are frequently applied to vases of ₑ䶋๔⨣ౕ㺬㷘⽞◧Ȫsoldier喍ธڢ喎ȫᝃ
this massive size after an event in 1717, when Augustus the Strong
(1670-1733), King of Poland and Elector of Saxony and inveterate
porcelain collector, traded a regiment of 600 soldiers for a group
of porcelain including several blue and white Kangxi period vases க喑ڣ͚ࢠ࠲᠙᪥Уᅧᄥ㜴᱙৮Ⱕ㠒Ꮴ⛆䱿㟞
of this monumental size. Those vases came from the collection of ๔⨣ȡ䕆ឦ⨤க࣌ٵ◧ᮛ傜ธస⢸㚀➦◵e༮
Friedrich Wilhelm I of Prussia and had been housed within his own
porcelain collection at Schloss Oranienburg.
᱙৮๔⨣̭ᄺ喑ᰫ◧䭬❫ᑄ䰤ᓤe㣘䛹ḛ 1821
This pair of ‘soldier’ vases was formerly in the collection of
Alfred Morrison (1821-1897) and was displayed at Fonthill House 1897 ᩣ㫼喑͓䮠ᩫᆞᅲ喑㦯ќ㸎喑༮❫➦
in Wiltshire, England. After inheriting Fonthill House in 1857, 䘎ȡ1857Ꭱ喑㣘䛹ḛᓋڣ❣͚㎩ឬᩫᆞᅲ喑䯕
Morrison commissioned the internationally renowned architect,
ᒹӬ㖅㿸స䯈ⴒऺᐧヶፘOwen Jones (1809-1874)
Owen Jones (1809-1874), to design a room in an opulent cinquecento
(16 century) style to house his collection of Chinese ceramics, one 㽚㼵γ̭ԸȪcinquecentoȫ䷕ᵩ⮱ᩣ㫼ბ喑⩕
of the most significant western collections of Chinese ceramics in 䮠݄ڣ͚స⨤கᩣ㫼ȡЃ䕆ឦ⨤கᩣ㫼㷘䂪◧䓾
modern history. Photographs of the interior of Fonthill, taken in June
1988, show a number of large ‘soldier’ vases, including one of the
present pair, along with other Chinese ceramics from his collection
adorning the grand drawing room (fig.1). ᐠ͚ᩫ㒛γ᪥У๔⨣喑㔹᱙ᄺ⨣̭ϓज㺸ڣ