Page 12 - Nov 2019 Hong Kong SOtheby's Chinese Art
P. 12



           亞洲家族舊藏 拍品編號 301-355

           The following fifty-five lots, consigned from an   以下五十五件拍品,悉屬亞洲重要中國陶
           important Asian collection, encompass the full
           range of Chinese ceramics, ranging from the   瓷收藏,上溯新石器時代仰詔文化,下及
           Neolithic Yangshao culture to the closing years   晚清,包羅萬象。精品包括耀州窰鼓式蓋
           of the Qing dynasty. Highlights of the group   罐(拍品編號 302),或為棋罐,青釉瑩
           include the superb Yaozhou box and cover   亮,妙劃牡丹,華貴大方﹐誠北方青釉瓷
           (lot 302), probably created to contain chess   器典範。收藏中還有從著名倫敦藝商埃斯
           (weiqi) pieces. It encapsulates what is sublime
           in Northern celadons, with its unctuous glaze   卡納齊購得之定窰牡丹直口洗(拍品編號
           and intricate incised design of peony flowers.   308),器形僅見,甚為難得。
           There is also a superbly potted Dingyao washer
           (lot 308), acquired from the famous London   此收藏中之其他陶瓷,大多來源有緒,如
           dealership Eskenazi.             近年購自倫敦藝商 S. Marchant & Son 者,
           Many other ceramics in the group also   也有部分原屬馬來西亞商人陸運濤(1915-
           have impeccable provenance, including   1964)雅蓄,並曾前赴杜倫大學吉賓金藝
           those acquired in recent years from London   術和考古博物館參展。
           dealerships such as S. Marchant & Son, and
           others with a much longer recorded history,
           formerly exhibited in the Gulbenkian Museum of
           Oriental Art and Archaeology at the University
           of Durham when they were in the collection of
           the Malaysian businessman Loke Wan Tho.

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